Ar on (Jack Peterson , [-Core-] Daan , N1xGhost )

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So, I was waiting for them to get a code for bank robbery, as we wanted to try. When I heard some shot(s). I see them coming running up towards you and see them shoot your car, so I chase after you and kills you at the bank. None the less you broke 3.4 By not getting out in parking lot even though it's against rules it doesn't allow you to break rules against rules, that's not how it works.

Anyways I followed you, and shot you I took care of the evidence after.

Edit: We tested voice range and from that distance you would be able to hear it, so idk why you can't in the recording.
Also saying "Fuck you" to someone having you under gunpoint, is really not a smart idea which is ALSO a breach of 3.4.
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