AR on Jasperkel

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Reaction score
39.007238, 126.281624
Your Steam/In-game Name: Skudist / Stefan Bachmeier
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jasperkel / Jasper Erkel
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:107585453
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 3.4 and 6.3 by gunpointing me in the public. They or he did not take the NPC into consideration as he simply got tied up, he could have called the police anyway when he would go to fredy's, let him become untied and then call the police. Including, he did it too far away from the car where they tried to get me in, so it wasn't fast enough so nobody could see anything. That squad tried to remove some of my fingers and my nose. He had enough luck that nobody came over. One guy then started to make a false accusation that I slander while I just tried to tell them/him that he/they broke (a) rule(s).
Evidence (Demo Required):
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I see that this is happening in a public place but I would be interested to know why they took you hostage, hostage taking is a last resort as stated in the rules.. In addition 'ties him up' is a very vague command and I think the kidnappers should be more specific in future, but that's not against he rules. If there was no reqso. For the kidnapping then I support this completely.
I hope you know that rule 3.4 (Putting your Life at Risk) is.
and not a rule is for kidnaping
[DOUBLEPOST=1459274679,1459274416][/DOUBLEPOST]@Skundist Previously on the day in Paralake one of the people that i was basing whit pointed a gun on you and we say don't call the police what you did you called the police and that is the reason why we kidnapped you. Yes i was pointing a gun on you but i don't killed you.

Just realized that they simply tied the NPC up. I wouldn't count that as dealing with the NPC correctly. The NPC still could go to fredys (example given) and ask the NPC there to untie him and call the police. So, going to add 6.3 NPC's in this AR.

Btw, Annie, make sure to state what you tie. Simply the hands or his legs.
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User will receive a warning for 6.3, this AR is sufficient evidence for a Refund Request if you feel it necessary.

Closed and Moved.
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