AR on Jinx, Potential Cheater.

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Your Steam/In-game Name: efin / Ethal Head
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Jinx
His/Her SteamID: No clue sorry
Why Should This Player Be Punished:

He shoots @Josh Meow through the door perfectly and stops once he's dead. Maybe he heard his body drop.

Then when I equip grenade he almost hits my head if I hadn't moved.

Shoots me perfectly in head when crouched then kills me again.

I wish for him to be demo requested and if I am just bad then I accept it but it looks very suspect, especially from a new player .

attempt at killing @Efan through the window that is very fishy considering @Efan standing location is in the middle of the balcony no where obvious and he just knows where to shoot. This seems to be a cheater who isn't confident with his aim or is being smart trying to play the sound card. However he stops shooting when @Josh Meow dies. I believe there is 0 way of knowing he died considering the body drop is masked by the sound of his own shots and the crowbar but he's very confident he's dead as he stops now shooting onto stairs balcony and focuses @Efan through the window waiting for him to stand still just like @Josh Meow did before he died. Also to mention that he stops wallbanging asoon as @Efan starts moving again and realizing that he couldn't do damage through the window.

Looks like he also traces him through the wall as Ethan backs up for cover. The spot he wallbanged was perfectly head level as he was crouched and i've never seen anyone start wallbanging for the toes so this guy is pretty fishy. First shot being on his head I believe too
I’m pretty sure youre right and the shot before the kill shot was a headshot but just through the door.
Okay, I'm JinX/ Axel Ent

I can easily explain this what happened and idk how to upload my demo though.
The weapon i used was the HK45 CT , it has clips of 10 shots, as u can see i shot 10 bullets through the door which indeed from this point of view is more then perfect.
I didn't stop shooting as i thought he was dead, i stopped shooting cause i had to make a reload.
Also i didn't trace him, i knew he was behind the window because i didn't hear him make the jump over the little balcony edge thingy.
Both kills were pure luck as i couldn't see both of them at the point of the kills. The 2nd kill i was standing behind the wooden board on the left side if i recall correctly,
i had no clear view of the person but i felt like it was just common sense to shoot where-ever i thought they would be.

Also, why i first apparently shot @Josh Meow was because a lot of people stand on the thingy when lockpicking i thought, thats why i shot in that direction first.
but yes i do admit it does look like i'm cheating here.

Also to mention that he stops wallbanging asoon as @Efan starts moving again and realizing that he couldn't do damage through the window.
i in matter of fact thought that glass was perfectly penetrable that is why i prefired it. i don't know why i stopped shooting maybe cause i was scared that @Efan would start shooting back at the exact angle i was shooting, idk what my thought process was there.

I am sorry that you think i am cheating and if a staff member can take me apart tomorrow or in the next few days whenever they have time and explain step by step on how to do the demo i am 100% willing to do so as i aint have anything to hide.

My steamID = STEAM_0:0:160695669
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Okay, I'm JinX/ Axel Ent

I can easily explain this what happened and idk how to upload my demo though.
The weapon i used was the HK45 CT , it has clips of 10 shots, as u can see i shot 10 bullets through the door which indeed from this point of view is more then perfect.
I didn't stop shooting as i thought he was dead, i stopped shooting cause i had to make a reload.
Also i didn't trace him, i knew he was behind the window because i didn't hear him make the jump over the little balcony edge thingy.
Both kills were pure luck as i couldn't see both of them at the point of the kills. The 2nd kill i was standing behind the wooden board on the left side if i recall correctly,
i had no clear view of the person but i felt like it was just common sense to shoot where-ever i thought they would be.

Also, why i first apparently shot @Josh Meow was because a lot of people stand on the thingy when lockpicking i thought, thats why i shot in that direction first.
but yes i do admit it does look like i'm cheating here.

i in matter of fact thought that glass was perfectly penetrable that is why i prefired it. i don't know why i stopped shooting maybe cause i was scared that @Efan would start shooting back at the exact angle i was shooting, idk what my thought process was there.

I am sorry that you think i am cheating and if a staff member can take me apart tomorrow or in the next few days whenever they have time and explain step by step on how to do the demo i am 100% willing to do so as i aint have anything to hide.

My steamID = STEAM_0:0:160695669
If you're struggling to upload your demo, I wrote a guide about it a while back which should be easy enough to understand:

In order to investigate this incident further, I will need to see the demo of the person being accused. @ExcelentAxelent, as you don't seem to know how to upload demos, I will give you 72 hours to do it. The file you need to upload will be called: perpheads_demo_2020-11-6 02-11-10

If you need help at all, please read the guide that I linked above or send me a message on the forums.
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