AR on Josef Trapani

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Lucius Husky/[-Core-] Daan
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Josef/Josef Trapani
His/Her SteamID: idk
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 5.1, played attempted to mug me in public/ middle of the street.
Evidence (Demo Required):
You really tried to make it look like i was just walking there and mug you out of the blue. I think, if you really are gonna make this salty ar, you should provide the whole story and not just a 14 seconds video my friend.

To the staff member who has to solve this AR, here you can find the complete story:

next time please don't have such a big mouth in OOC after i tell you that you shouldn't break 3.4 like that. Let's just talk about it so that it doesn't have to get on the forums homie
Stop acting so huge. You are completely nothing. No one cares... The whole story doesnt matter. You cant RP as detective and help the cops. You just cant. Use your brains buddy.
I was not helping cops it was for my OWN benefit to get you arrested. I also had legitimate reason to shoot you there but i chose a legal way as i explained in the accepted AR on you. For the last time, stop being so salty. Its bringing you nowhere
Just stop lying. You said yourself you were doing it to take me to PD in the other AR. Now dont change ur reason.

I can confirm Josef and I are role playing as brothers on perpheads. Since you shot me in front of his eyes. He had every reason to take revenge. If he would have wanted your gun he would have just shot you on sight.

He was acting in his own interest by bringing the criminal who murdered his brother to justice. You are also just showing 14 seconds of video while the story is a lot longer. Nice framing.
You actually have nothing to do with this at all. You were a cop. He was a civ. You cannot help each other in any way with criminals.
Well actually you can, that's why you have a 911 app on your phone. So you can call the cops when a crime is going on. Basically helping the cops with taking care of criminals.

kind regards,
Not involved but im here to counter Husky's argument.

He can help cops at civ. He can GP you under the law 2.1 or 2.2 Since you commited a crime. He GPed you so cops can come and solve the situation. Being a civ dosent mean automaticly you are a criminal.
Denied, he was not trying to mug you, he was trying to disarm you so you didn't shoot him while the police were on their way, this is further explained in the AR made against you.

I'll keep your attitude towards other players in this AR in mind when you ultimately make an appeal for your ban.
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