ar on kurze

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Your Steam/In-game Name: alejandro rojas
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: elijah wood / kurze
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:19396368
Why Should This Player Be Punished: During raid i heard he had gun from his metal detector he opens the door to his bazzar shop i gp him in order to drop his gun since he is dangerous to me , before he drops it he put a price on it so noone can take it ( in demo u cant see that he put a price on it ) . After all he was complaining about mugging him which is not the case i just wanted him to go inside without a gun so i can escape safely after a succesfull raid

3.4 User broke in through the back door when seeing the shop was empty he should have left through the back door. Instead, he decided to gunpoint me and hold me at gunpoint and leave through the public exit. While holding me at gunpoint in the public place he told me to drop my weapon and put my hands up. This is what I did. He then complained that he couldn't take the weapon and bobby pin. Let's just say here this would come under 5.1 Mugging a public place. since you GP'ed me to the main bazaar. I would also like to add that you can't just assume that someone is armed because of a metal detector. As stated "metal" not "gun detector". If you left the same way you came in this would of all been avoided instead you wanted to leave through the public entrance.

I would also like to add your technically exploiting by dropping your bobby pin straight after use. The only reason you are doing this is to not lose it on your death.

User complied to your commands within a reasonable amount of time. You where not entitled to take his gun so him placing a price on his gun seems excessive to punish. Next time don't drop your bobby just to pick it up again unequiping it takes some time for a reason.
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