AR on Mango 3.4

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@Mango You did it 3x (including mine) while the owner was present for one of them, fair enough 1 for a laugh but you consecutively did it and you risked your freedom and life by doing it.
@Teemo What are you talking about? Stealing as many cars as I want isn't 3.4, and stop replying and wait for staff because hearing your comments and imagining your voice in my brain fucking irritates me to fuck.
Whereas @Mango had been stealing cars earlier, announcing the fact that he was going to steal yours only to do it seconds later was not smart as he did not take into account that you would try to defend your property. However, Mango's record has remained clear for a long time, so @Super_ and I will speak to him about this as soon as we can.

Reviewed with @Super_
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