Ar on Marcus Hudson

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: Jack Jerryson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Marcus Hudson
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:205542456
Why Should This Player Be Punished: He came up to me and punched me for no reason. I then pulled out my firearm to perform a citizens arrest, he then runs under direct gun point risking his life. He then runs into a public-ish area so I did not chase him.
Evidence (Demo Required): Evidence (Youtube)
Tick: n/a
I punched you because you called abduski the n word, and his like one of my best friends. Afterwards when you pulled a gun on me, I was already running at the time and I decided to stop and walk backwards, untill you started talking shit to me then I cba and I ran from you.
You are now lying in an AR. I never called him the 'n' word. I was asking if he wanted to buy an Uzi. You then hit me. I then pointed my gun at you telling you to stop running. Please upload your pov
No you called him some shit, which made both me and him angry, I dont remember the exact word, but it was a stupid word. Please stop being like that, and accept the friend request Isent you a few hours ago, when I wanted to ask you to end this beef.
Surprisingly, I got about 20 friend requests rn so I don't see new ones as old ones pop up. I don't check them as I only add people. I will add you tmo as I am tired now
Okay mr popular guy, cant really see why youre making AR's about this, since nobody of us really lost anything
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