AR on Matthew and BonkTM

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Donald DJ Trump / Sam Ireland
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Matthew / Joe Dixon and bonkTM / Parsuut Savage
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:35795184 and STEAM_0:0:192125334
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Video 1: Joe Dixon repeatedly getting into a police car after being battering rammed out so that he could not be arrested.

Video 2: Joe and Parsuut Molotov me in public outside of regals for no reason whatsoever.
Evidence (Demo Required):
for the record, you got molotoved because you flash banged someone
(also ur video links aren't working btw)
Even if it was me that threw the flash bang (which it wasn't as the video will show when it fixes itself), a flash bang negatively effects you in no way so there was no reason to kill me and risk your own lives over it.

Whichever of you were in the apartment with me was clearly looking straight at me so knows full well that it wasn't me that threw the flash bang.

I'm not entirely sure how the rest of you knew that a flash bang was thrown specifically at him anyway, because as the video shows you were outside and up the road a little when it went off.
yes the car thing was handled ingame

we killed you because you flashbanged us thats the end of my story, you and your friends also kept picking on us all night and shooting us/robbing us for no reason but i dont have the effort and/or evidence to make an AR

cba to respond here anymore but yeah thats my side
"We killed you because you flashbanged us" -- Except my video clearly shows that it wasn't me and ur friend clearly sees that

As far as I can see he never tells you that; if he told u in org chat he would have had to stop moving/talking to type, and he is constantly moving about from the moment someone flashes him to the point where I die, so either he told you in an OOC means, or you heard the flash from outside and up the road, and just presumed it was me flashing your friend and killed me because of it.

"You and you friends also kept picking on us all night and shooting us/robbing us" -- We only raided you twice (or at least only twice while I was there), and you died both times, and in fact you died twice the last time.

There are no rules against raiding you a few times, as long as it's not multiple times within 1 hour which it wasn't, first raid was at 00:35, second was at 03:08 (both BST).
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my character suffers from epilepsy and that nearly triggered an attack, therefore Parsuut had to go Jihad mode on you and lit you up like a rotisserie kebab.
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