AR on Medic

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [-Core-] Daan/Lucius Husky
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Max Arnolds
His/Her SteamID: idk
Why Should This Player Be Punished: He drove into a shootout as medic and ran me over on purpose. He steered into me while i was also trying to move away for him. He had alot of life alerts also 1 for heavy TFU. All cops were dead. he shouldnt even drove into the shootout in the first place.
Evidence (Demo Required): This is the logs to proof it was him: . The video:
dont mind me shooting a dead tfu with 3 rounds lol rip.

This was already dealth with by RoyHB but McGlinchy advised me to make an AR as I thought it wasnt dealth with correctly.
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@Royhb dealt with this in a situation and declared that no rules were broken. You were in the middle of the road and therefore got ranover and it wasnt even on purpose.
i was adviced by Luke jefferson, Leonard Mayfair and McGlinchy to make this AR if i thought it wasnt dealth with correctly. I do think it wasnt dealt with correctly.
simple as if you are in the middle of the road you are open to accidents i literally hit you with the corner of my vehicle i wasn't aiming for you.
Why were you on the wrong side of the road in the first place.

As already stated by @Daan McClaire it really looked intentional from my side. He saw Daan getting out of his car with a gun and than decided to run him over. As you see, he is aswell going in a unsecured crime scene as the raiders were still inside the bank and cops were all dead
The road to my left was also completely clear. He aswell steered in the end into me. If he didn't steer towards me I wouldnt have gotten hit. Or If i got hit i wouldve maybe survived. But this costed my death and eventually my org killed the medic.
This doesnt look like an intentional or malicious breakage of 3.4 and thus a warning will not be given, however @Fusions as a gov official which is not a police officer, stay as far away from shootouts or gunfire as possible until you are sure the scene is clear.
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