Okay, let's get a little bit more into this.
I was there when it all happened and I can confirm he never ignored gunpoint.
First of all, look what
@The Marcx Man said.
- How did Stevo break any sort of gunpoint? Let's look at when Goliathus took out the gun:
As you can see, Stevo is just in front of Goliathus, but it would make complete sense for him not to see the gun, as from his perspective, Goliathus would be holding it at the side of his body. Now, when the gun is raised:
By the time the gun is raised and easliy visible, Stevo is turned away and cannot see the firearm. Suffice to say, you cannot notice a firearm if the person holding it is behind you. Next image, this is when the gun is aimed:
As you can see, Stevo is still facing away, and cannot notice until the shots are fired, at which point he could run as much as he wants; all in all, no breaking gunpoint, no 3.4 or 3.6.
Okay, so he didn't see the gun until you shot. I heard the shots aswell and I saw Stevo stop right in front of my door. He turned around and you shot him in the face.
This mug was only for revenge purposes of us raiding you and you being butthurt.
In the second part, where I kill you yet again some stuff happens aswell.
First of all,
This was the second time you tried to mug Stevo within a hour. Rule 5.1 clearly says this:
5.1 Mugging- Players are not allowed to mug more than 3 times in any 60 minute period;
nor can they mug the same player twice, within any 60 minute period. Players may only mug other players in a realistic manner, for example mugging someone in the middle of a street is not realistic. Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public.
You can't mug the same player twice, or attempt to within a hour. You did this breaking rule 5.1.
Second off all, something small here.
The first /me is not a valid /me. You do not tell us what exactly you tie so he could walk around whenever he wanted to, not needed in the situation but it's something small you should know.
Also, what do you gag? Him? The stairs? The door? I don't seem to know after that /me.
This prop breaks rule 3.8 and rule 3.10.
As rule 3.8 says:
3.8 Elaborate Barricades- Props may not be used to elaborately direct player’s movements; for example, through the creation of a maze. Typically a player’s movement is considered unrestricted if
at least two players can fit through the path travelling side by side and they don’t need to jump or crouch. This rule is specifically subject to an administrator’s discretion.
This was not the case, you couldn't get in side by side thereby it breaking rule 3.8.
As rule 3.10 says:
3.10 Realistically Prop Placement- Props must be placed realistically; for the placement of a prop to be deemed realistic, it must demonstrate
that it can remain in its position without being frozen through the use of a Physics Gun; if done in a realistic fashion, exceptions can be made, but are specifically subject to an administrator’s discretion.
I am pretty sure that if the lamp was connected to the wooden barrier and the barrier was unfrozen it would fall..
Okay, so I have been on Stevo's side in almost the whole thread, but I must say, in this part of the video
he was clearly stalling a little bit. Then I showed up and popped your ass with my dank M4A1.
So before you post an AR think about what you've done wrong yourself. I wouldn't have posted this if I were you due to the amount of rules that you actually broke aswell.