AR on MTCKitten

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Vantaa, Southern Finland, Finland
Your Steam/In-game Name: Panda / Kendrich Brown
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: MTCKitten / Lucia Younty
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:75576911
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Kitten ran over @Eddie because he was in the way? She could have easily just drive from the other side of the road or just honk. I'd say 2.5 and 3.4

Evidence (Demo Required):

@Lucia Younty


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She beeped her horn multiple times but she should've driven round

I'd like to see why she was in a hurry.
Okey that was an RDM so +support for that, and just by uploading that video we can see that you are metagaming with Eddie from the steam messages. GG

"Come to PD"
"Shoot out"

"Kill Ayjay and that fucking nigger that ran me over"

Look I can be a persistent bitch if I want to.
I saved the video and uploaded it myself when you removed it, xoxo

(And Eddie was the one who drove in to the wrong side of the road, rip car)
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Video is private. Please change this.

First off I'd like to say I like rap battles too, pls do contact me further to fangirl about this.

I'd also like to say that you were speeding, meaning the crash was your fault you nerdy nerd and thirdly



Metagaming is against the rules uno.

You've been caught foreplaying on the menstrualcycle (red handed)

+Support to the kitten bit btw, she rdmed you.
+support obviously lucia did that on purpose she could have just drove right on past instead of running him down
I am expecting a sudden "Can this be closed please" in a attempt to not get banned for metagaming.

Good luck not getting banned, seeing as multiple people already have the video downloaded so you cannot remove it, you are going to need it!


Oh and for the AR, Lucia probably shouldn't have run you over, however you didn't exactly do what @AyJay while under gunpoint, so you could of been killed for failing to comply.

Typical, you get a bugatti and think you are hard.
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First off, I beeped my horn multiple times and even asked the player who I ran over to move. He decided to continue to talk to Ayjay and not move, he also stood on the ROAD, a place where someone could've been speeding and easily crashed and ran him over as well. There was a perfectly good pavement on the other side of Ayjay's car. I needed to go meet someone at Bazaar and fix my car which is why i was in a hurry. I also attempted to call for a medic after I had ran HeaTz over but I simply couldn't get ahold of one. You were stalling my roleplay and Ayjay's as a matter of fact as you wouldn't move away even after being put under gunpoint and getting asked to move. Yes I could've easily drove past them but if you've seen my drive, I could've crashed into another car and I wanted to avoid that and as I've stated I was in a rush which caused me to run him over after I had given him time to respond and move away from car.

2.5 - Excessive Negativity
I broke this because I ran him over, I would like to say the same for him as well If I'm perfectly honest. In the video the guy I ran over does not give two shits about the constant beeps which you can hear and me asking him to get off the road. Ayjay even pointed a gun at him (I have no idea why or if it was an accident idk) he did not give a reaction which is ruining the experience of any realism as in a situation like that you would react instead of standing around acting like nothing happened.

3.4 - Putting Your Life At Risk
Yes I did put my life at risk by running HeaTz over but the same goes for him as he ran up and down the road multiple times, giving the chance for any person driving in that general direction to run him over.

Despite this AR being on me I would like to say what rules the ones reporting me have broken,


2.1 - Playing Realistically
As soon as he crashed he did not give a realistic sort of response of being in shock or letting himself recover instead he instantly ran out of the car, calling Ayjay names and shit, then ran back to his car and then back to Ayjay's car. Realistically you would be damaged from the crash and wouldn't have been able to make a run back and forth. He also was held at gunpoint for roughly 2 or so seconds and had not given a single reaction. To add on, as I've said before I did beep and ask him to move off the road, he looked at me and continued to speak to Ayjay not even saying "Give me a second" or something along those lines.

3.2 - Third Party Communication Applications
As you can briefly see in the video provided he was metagaming with Panda before and after the incident. Enough said here

3.3 and 3.4 - Realistic Actions and Putting Your Life At Risk
The way HeaTz has put his life at risk is by running up and down the street constantly as I've stated before which neither is a realistic action nor is it safe to do as a car can come driving down and not respond in time. It is not realistic to get out of the car after a car CRASH (I know that you get booted out if the car gets broken) and then to run around and act as if he had taken no damage from that crash. It also isn't realistic to stand in the middle of a road when you're getting beeped at and you decide to ignore it. Ayjay also had you under gunpoint and asked you to leave, you didn't do as he said though if you had a gun pointed at you in real life I'm almost 100% you wouldn't argue back and stand there like a brick and just say "What" So now you're furthermore endangering your life by not complying under gunpoint.


3.2 - Third Party COmmunication Applications
He was metagaming with HeaTz as you see from the steam messages.
Here's my points in the planning room.

  • In the planning room here is where obviously Kitten has came round the corner and seen Ayjay gunpoint HeatZ due to him being threatening and running after Ayjay's car she probably has no idea what HeatZ has done but it must have been important because he gun-pointed him after them asking to pay 130,000 for the repairs if not Ayjay may have had to pay repercussions.
  • Or kittens just felt like running HeatZ over because his in the way @Lucia Younty please comment

Everything's planned and a dodgy message is coming through steam telling Panda to kill Ayjay an video is made and you can see HeatZ and Panda exchanging steam messages.

I would like to see why Eddie was exchanging messages to kill Ayjay and give an justified reason and to see Kittens justified reason on running HeatZ over too.
Wow you're making me feel like such a bad person :(

Anyways I did meta game end of story. As HeaTz was loading in I told him to come to our location as his game had crashed. I don't mind having a break from PH anyways.

Also HeaTz told me in steam to kill Ayjay and Kitten. I just told him to calm down and stop as I never even attacked them.

Rip Eddie's headset 2015 - 2016
Alright so basicly what happend was i got picked up from my gang member Ole. Ole drove me with his Dodge charger to the rc so i could pick up my bugatti. I got my bugatti and Ole jumped in, thats when i got the message of Panda that he needed a pickup, i completely ignored the message and drove to intersection with Ole. Ole jumped out and Panda came to me and hopped in even if i didn't say anything. Then we were going to gas station and thats when we smashed in to Ayjay. I know i should of Roleplayed that i was in shock and everything but i really got more shocked and mad irl cause i knew i wouldn't have any money if i repair my bugatti, and Ayjay just driving off trying to escape at first made me even more mad cause i wanted money for my car obviously but he completely ignored it and it made me frustrated. I started running up and down the street not really knowing what i was doing then Lucia ran me over. Obviously i got even more mad and I messaged Panda to kill them but since we quickly realised what we did was wrong we never acted upon the steam chat and once again im sorry
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