AR on Nizma + Lixu

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Manchester, England
Your Steam/In-game Name: Adikid *TRADING*/Adrish Malik

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Nizma and Lixu

His/Her SteamID: Nizma -
Lixu - STEAM_0:1:29242656

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
I was patrolling the city as an officer when I come along two males shouting "Fuck the police" I therefore pulled them and ticketed them, when I was about to leave the man shouted "Fuck you man". After that I got out of my vehicle and was going to speak to the man till he pulled out a weapon and killed me.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: N/A

Those to guys received a ticket on 1.2 thats allright. He clearly broke 3.3 and 2.1 Thats not realistic to pull out a gun on a officer just because of a ticket its not a realistic action. 3.4 for putting his life at risk when killing a police officer right outside regals, the pd is infront of Regals so officers would clearly got him arrested or killed.
They both seem to have broken
  • 6.3
  • 2.5
  • 3.4
They had no intention to roleplay during that situation.
Im +Supporting this Action Request.

Its all in the video really.

He Clearly broke the rules, there was no reason at all to kill you there.
2.1, so basically its unrealistic to kill you over such a minor thing, no one in real life would kill you over a ticket for breaking law 1.2 really. Then they are breaking 3.4, basically risking their lives for no valid reason, They shot you in a parking lot, infront of the PD, the mayor can hear those shots etc, its just no realistic, and then they would be arrested/killed.

So yeah, thats my reason to +Support this Action Request.
Kind Regards,

Robin Ljungberg
I will give the part of my story from what happened in the admin sit. It will be fairly short.

When I pulled them up and talked to them about the situation he said that the cop gave him an invalid ticket because they were singing fuck the police. But watching the video it's obvious they started to raise there voices to bait the officer. He also Said in the sit they sung more of that song but in the video they clearly only sung "fuck the police coming straight from the underground"

Back to the situation at the admin sit: He said that he never shot him, once I had shown him the logs that he did he quickly changed his story and said it never meant to shoot him because there was a bug. This Is why I requested a demo. To make it fair just in case he did have some sort of bug. From looking at the situation it's obvious there was no bug. he followed the officer around the car and shot him over a ticket.

In my own Opinion the person In question should receive a warning for this. He currently has 2 warnings on record.

Clearly you was killed over a ticket, he verbal abused you and you was going to talk to him or ticket them, Lixu will be receiving a 6 month ban for lying in the admin situation which also leads to him rdming in the bazaar the other day and molotoving a shop @Prepper , I will give Nizma a weeks ban too.

Nizma - STEAM_0:1:25570517
Lixu - STEAM_0:1:29242656​
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