AR on Osama Bin Trappin

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Reaction score
Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: En1Gm4
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Osama Bin Trappin
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished: This player has broken rules 3.4 and 3.5
The player broke 3.5 (nlr) when he shot me in the middle of the bazaar, probably for being pissed off at me having raided him (in which I died). The player broke rule 3.4 by shooting me without gaining any clear advantage. In case this was a revenge kill, it would break 3.5 in this instance.
Evidence (Demo Required):
12000 (me raiding his store and mugging his friend)
36000 (moment of him killing me in bazaar).
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First off, nlr timer was over waaaay before this incident between me and you. Second, I was never mad because you failed at raiding me after I killed you with my own hands. Seems like you’re the mad one from my perspective. Third, this had nothing to do with happened in the past life. You just happened to be a target for me and my crew. Quite unlucky actually. Lastly, if you want to talk about breaking rules, isn’t it fail rp if you fail to comply under gun point even if you believe a rule is being broken? I would think that it would be better to follow RP, record your evidence, and build a case instead of shooting yourself in the foot and breaking a rule yourself. In my opinion, it would have been better to comply and then post a report on me rather then blatantly ignoring my request for you to surrender with a gun to your face, breaking fear RP and failing to value your life. I am not going to make this a debate between me and you on the forums. Let’s act professional and let the admins decide the verdict.
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@unknxwn_player Why did you gunpoint and shoot him in the middle of the bazaar?

I think if you would take the time to read my first response, all of the information can be found. It was just random. I’m not sure if you saw fear RP being broken while he is under gunpoint (failed to value his life with a gun to his head ignoring request to surrender which is why I smoked him). I was just RP’ing to the best of my ability and was in no way trying to minge and be a menace to the community.
If you say that rules were broken, it may be a valid point. However if you think that i am the only one that broke rules in this particular situation, then I will have to respectfully disagree with you.
So you didn’t actually have a reason to do it then?
I need to have a reason to stick someone up and ask them to drop their stuff? That’s a little weird if you ask me. For conversations sake if I would say “oH yA, I dId iT bEcAuSe ThE lAsT lIFe” wouldn’t that be a blatant NLR rule break? I had no knowledge that it was the same person. It was just karma playing itself out naturally. I would understand if I lost the raid and died and then went back to kill him. That would be very fishy. But he had failed miserably in his raid when I gunned him down myself. Why would I be angry toward him and want to break NLR if I had already won the prior situation? He is probably bringing up NLR reaching for whatever in an attempt to get his stuff back. I know it hurts to lose things, but it’s part of the game. You can’t win them all
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@unknxwn_player You shouldn't have attempted to mug him in the middle of the bazaar, Rule 5.1 Mugging states
Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public.

@jurriaantaal You should have fully complied and not stalled even though they may have broken rules.

User will receive a warning for 3.4 and 5.1
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