AR on Sossa (asdfasdf)

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Lydus Corvinus - Decimus Meridius
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sossa (asdfasdf)
His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, 3.15, 3.29

user states that he heard no gunshots whilst I was kosing for my org at apps, can clearly see the gunshots do not go into his shop causing no damage (you can clearly see in the evidence that there was no gun shot marks on the windows of his shop or anywhere near the residents inside) and then takes an as50 out and totals my car and then fires again in attemp to kill me. - if the user dident hear me shooting the as50 nor did he see me with it, how has he come to the conclusion that I was the one that shot at his shop - see the evidence. regardless this is 2.5 and has effected me as we killed all the defenders and 10/11 cops, the last one being inside apps as I was about to go and get another gun to finish the job and then this happened.

user has blatently lied to staff saying that I have shot at him in his shop.
lied about not hearing any gunshots, maybe this user needs to clean his ears out?

Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: @Collier
Reply from Sossa as he is forum banned:

You were flanking a long distance away from the actual shootout, and fired into sossa's shop several times almost hitting him. Upon this, you disconnected when he started shooting at you to save your AS50, so you should probably like follow the rules before you make reports on people?

On top of this, the cops you were shooting probably had NLR, and you're also firing an AS50, a 1 shot weapon, INTO Spawn. From sossa's location he didn't hear the shootout, but could hear you firing into his shop, so he was on the grounds to assume you were trying to shoot him.
as you can see in the evidence there is no visable marks on the windows of the shop or anywhere near, I think you need to re assess your statement because if a bullet nearly hit him it wasent from me and he should be sure it was me before shooting at me.

"From sossa's location he didn't hear the shootout, but could hear you firing into his shop"

im glad you have said this because it proves you lied to @Collier when you said you dident hear any shots.

Im sure sossa video evidence will show the bullets nearly hitting him as the evidence I provided show no evidence of any bullet landing in or around your shop. which makes this 2.5
Staff member was - @Collier

User reported that they dident hear any gunshots at all, 0. Then in this report states that he heard gunshots and these gunshots almost killed him. his specific words "he wasent kos'ing for his org and there was no shootout, he was just driving round in circles for 10 minutes with an AS50." - making it out like I randomly shot his shop when they are all unarmed inside, for them juicy non-existent guns.

the shots near the bank; if you look close enough..

1 shot kills the officer (nowhere near the shop)
2nd shot hits the white tesla (nowhere near the shop)
3rd shot is to the right of his shop, nowhere near any of the ocupants, its a clear miss

1:39 you can see a bullet at the bottom right of the stairs that leads to the shop door
can you please explain to me how this is 'near' any of the residing ocupants as previously stated by Sossa and, you can clearly see by my demo this is not intentional, it seems like the user has used something minor in order to destroy my vehicle and kill me to obtain my as50. - 2.5
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You are you sniping cops who are 500KM away from the actual raid and who are probably not even responding to it and you're sniping cops at spawn cross-firing people who just joined the server/respawned who are chilling there with a .50 Cal???????????????????? Who do you expect from me to just watch you shoot my shop and do nothing? I blasted the fuck outta your car and you decided to run away and leave the server which is 3.20 to prevent losing your only AS50. I know money is hard to get so you break rules to prevent losing it. You yourself just reported yourself aswell by breaking 2.5 and 3.20 by sniping in spawn and leaving not even 1 minute after getting sniped. You can clearly see you hitting my window with ur shitty aim.


@THECRX You will receive a 2 day for disconnecting from the server seconds after being shot at.

I see no wrongdoing on Sossa's side
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