AR on Lydus Corvinus

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: glacial / Victoria Gonzales
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Lydus Corvinus / Decimus Meridius
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:17414969
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, killed 4 of us randomly while driving around
Evidence (Demo Required):
your driving around whilst my org has just killed everyone inside subs 2 which is an active shootout with guns on your back. I was told to KOS purple tesla because you are flanking and so I did.

why are you driving into an active shootout with guns on your back and not expecting to get shot? @glacial

Plus I dident kill any of you, that wasent me, it was my org members I only disabled your car.
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lmao we were not flanking, also we were not in the shootout at all doesnt make sense. We also did not pose any threat at all, for reason behind guns on our back i actually had a warrant on me. We were driving about and had this situation happen unexpectedly.
"were not in the shootout at all doesnt make sense" I can literally see in the video at the start you are driving towards an active shootout wheres theres many guns on the floor and still shots being fired which you are driving towards with guns on your back.

then when I get out of the car to go to subs, you stop again to linger around the area, why not just exit when you know theres a shootout going on?

Plus if your warrented why are you knowingly going towards so many cops and TFU at a shootout for? surely you would be evading cops as much as you can?

to add to this - your shooting at people who are exiting subs? for whatever reason?
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can you show me where shots were being fired when we pulled into the subs area?

why is there no sound in this video, would help?

you can clearly see cops and medics there and shots were being fired im not arguing with you. (TFU van there aswell, no shots being fired no, no ongoing raid) nice dude.
@THECRX im only here to show evidence of what happened in according to 2.5. I made the ar for simply 2.5 because you shot us with little reason other than "in a shootout" even though u cant prove it. Makes no sense how a shootout can correlate towards the outside where its clear of shooting. Please upload proof of shots being fired when we pulled into subs.

your making the AR not me, why does your evidence have no sound? if it did you could hear the shots being fired.

I dident kill you, I was told to kos like the rest of the org because you are flanking/loitering in an active shootout with guns on your back, I just disabled your car I dident kill you.

so do you wana rephrase this to 2.5 disabled my car or?
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