AR on Tommy Desimone and John Irish

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United Kingdom, Southampton
Your Steam/In-game Name: Moon The Goon/ Tom Henderson.
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: John Irish, Tommy Desimone/ Free My Nigga Silva, Crisp Kyle
His/Her SteamID: Tommy=

Why Should This Player Be Punished: They just straight up shots me and my friends for no reason, i have never done anything to him however, he still shot me. He gave Johnathan Smithers 5k to call my friend Caine up and when he arrived he was distracted and we were all sprayed in the back.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: If i have done something wrong to any of you, i would like demo footage.
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You had earlier raided my scrapyard and killed the previous John Irish, a medic gave out the name the DNA had. I told John Irish we had business and we hunted you down. As for Caine: He had not 15 minutes before snitched me to the police for killing Johnathon Good and getting me 7 years in jail.
hundred percent +support, He broke 3.4 and 2.1 by one, shooting you in public, and two, No reason specified, 3 literally infront of a camera.
I feel like we are missing a big piece of the puzzle here. I'm 100% sure Tommy didn't just come up and shoot you without motive. The video shows him wrecking both of you but the video doesn't show the back story so it's hard to judge.
Some guy just snitched on me to the cops and got me arrested for 7 years! I've got an idea, I'm going to kill him in one of the most popular areas of bazar, with all these witnesses, and leave my DNA all over the scene so the medics can easily link it back to me!

Worth though cause I got revenge right?

I understand your intentions of killing them were justified as one did kill your friend and the other snitched on you. But mate come on there are a lot better ways going about getting revenge than shooting them in one of the most populated areas of the city, with CCTV, plenty of witnesses and DNA on the scene. I think if anything you probably put your life at more risk and put yourself in a lot of risk of getting put in prison.

Next time probably follow him to an area with minimum witnesses or use a cat bomb or sniper to take him out so your not pretty much calling the cops and admitting to killing 2 people.

~On phone please no spelling nazis auto correct kills me
Tfw Jeffery makes up a really good point :eek:

For real though, even if the person raided you or anything like that, it doesn't mean you can literally walk up in Bazaar and kill the person right infront of everyone. I support this AR cus obviously the person broke 3.4 and should've dealt with the situation in a different manner.
[DOUBLEPOST=1460970461,1460970224][/DOUBLEPOST]@TheFrozenMonkeyKing I can't comment but can still put this up, it depends on the time in bazaar and how many people are there at the time, in my eyes this isnt allowed at this point of the time being, also it's depending on the situation. In the end a staff member can also break rules
Im +Supporting this Situation, I saw everything that was going on in this situation, around 2-3 people killed those 2 at the bazzar, there was around 3-5 random people watching this, I even had my phone out at the time ''Recording'' the sit, they did nothing after, they stayed at bazzar im pretty sure. But Im +Supporting this for the reason that its very, Very public, and they didn't deal with any witnesses afterwards.
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Tfw John Daymon recognises you made a good point :o

I'm not saying leaving DNA is against 3.4; no one is you are just taking everything we say literal. What i am saying is they chose a really bad place to murder someone; very public place which means a lot of witnesses, CCTV and not really any place to hide the body. With all these taken in mind you just got to think; was it really worth it.

Whenever playing this game mode you just have to sometimes think to yourself, what would happen in real life. So here's the scenario; 2 guys in the middle of a market who have both betrayed your trust and one even killed your friend, you plot to kill them with CCTV watching you, all them witnesses and no chance to hide the body; odds on not getting caught? 0 to none in my opinion.

Other staff members or players may have killed someone in a public place like the bazar before; but I could probably guess they had an escape plan in place and a more quiet approach to the assisination.
And let's be honest who calls the police on staff members amirite :kappa: :mrlewis:

Although the reasoning behind the killing is valid, the way the murder was executed and the place it was executed were not okay. Although it was the evening there was still around 5 other players who were completely unrelated to the situation and are witnesses to a serious crime that just happened in front of them. You also left the bodies in the middle of the bazaar leaving the DNA open for any medics or higher ranking police officers to pin you to the crime.

Tommy will receive a 3 day ban for 3.4 as he is the one who killed you.
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