Thomas Desimone - AR

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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Tyreece McGefferson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Thomas Desimone
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44627859
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
First of all, this person has broken 3 rules in my opinion.
First rule broken - 2.5


Basically this guy killed me due to me scamming him 1.5k which was a shotgun box.

Second rule broken - 3.3

The person, shot me in bazaar which there are witnesses as well as CCTV withing my shop and the bazaar its self.

Third rule broken - 3.4

Evidence (Demo Required):
YouTube Video: YouTube
Tick: (Tick near the end)

(Was meant to put 3.4)
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I'm going to present my side of the story: I was at Bazaar, and I went to shop number five (The victim's shop) and bought shotgun ammo for $1,500+ and saw that the box of ammo had one rounds in it. I told the owner, and he denied all of my claims and would not present a refund, a friend of mine asked in /help if killing someone for scamming is allowed. Buzz Lightbeer said "Yes." Knowing the player isn't new to the server I went by his word, ran into the shop, shot him 3/4 times, tied his friend, took the victim's M4, and left, and went into hiding.
Thomas told me a out this situation, you sold him a box of buckshot saying it was full, but I had 1 bullet in and and when he asked you for a refund you denied that you scammed him. Thomas then asked in /help if you could kill someone for scamming you, he was told by many people that it was ok so he did, at the end of the day mate, you scammed someone so you lost a gun because of it, deal with it.
Sounds more like you broke 3.13.
If you RP that you scammed, then you have to accept his RP and the consequenses he chose. The camera is not facing your shop and he was not visible from where he was standing. He didnt get caught cause he did it fast, so I dont think its 3.4. Good luck.

Sorry for the bad english, I'm tired ok.
In addition: I did not kill him in front of a camera, there was only one witness who I tied up, non of this was seen on a camera.
To repeat: I got scammed, ran in, shot him 3/4 times, tied the witness, took the gun, and left as quick as I could.
[DOUBLEPOST=1448225526,1448224265][/DOUBLEPOST]Why were you selling remote explosives openly in your shop?
For people asking why the remote explosive was in public;

I was waiting for someone to ask about the "bomb" which I said to other people about a "bomb" party.

This person was interested it seemed as he was at my shop and bazaar for a while, so basically I placed it for him.
@Thomas DeSimone how is selling a c4 explosive 3.4 may I ask?

2.7 Explosives and Incendiaries

The manufacturing, possession, sale, distribution and use of an explosive/incendiary device is against the law. It is also a criminal offence to do any act with intent to cause, or conspiring to cause, an explosion by means of an explosive/flammable substance likely to endanger life and/or damage property.

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk:

Players must at all times act realistically, meaning that any actions taken that may put a player’s In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment and/or general wellbeing at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion, for realistically good/beneficial reasons and in such a way that can be justified as reasonable. (...).

Depending on the circumstances it could possibly lead to a punishment in terms of imprisonment.
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Josh has been given a warning by myself for 3.4 and 2.5. Shooting you in a pubic which also made you loose your weapon. I talked to him about rule 2.5 and 3.5 in depth and made sure he understood the rules before letting him back down to role play.

However watching the demo I can see that you had a bomb on sale in a public area, Which I do need to talk to you about. Because civilians/LOE's could of seen this item and reported/requested backup about the situation. When you are on line I would like to talk to you about the situation so I can decide if it was 3.4 or not.

Thank you for making the Action Request and I hope to see you in game soon.​
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