AR on UltraKiller12

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Sgt Masterchief/ Paul Richard
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ultrakiller12 Unknown
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:84407104
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was fighting a fire in City Hall for the second time, I ran in to the building to find the fire on the third floor with two people trapped by the flames. I charged through the flames and start fighting the fire from that side. While I was fighting the fire. I get shot from behind. I made a Report on it in game. The moderator told me to make an AR and gave me the steam name and steam ID.

I am requesting that they be punished for Rule 3.4 Putting your life at risk. If you where trapped in a burning building with no way out. Would you shoot the Fire Man?
Evidence (Demo Required):
It starts around the 20 second mark
Tick: N/A
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For the demo tick, you have to open GMOD and go into the demos folder. Look in your demos and fine the corresponding date on which this occured . Then play through the demo and note when this occurs (you will see via the little grey box).
After reviewing this AR I have decided to

This is a clear violation of rule 3.4 as he had no other means of escaping the burning building without major injury or death.Thus denying help from someone who could potentially save your characters life is classed as risking the " freedom from imprisonment and/or general well-being"of your character with no justifiable reason.​
You got shot from behind? What were the people that you were trying to save exactly? Was one of them the mayor? Was the mayor inside his office with the fire outside? If someone shot you from behind then he might have been safe, away from the flames and he could have shot you to avoid the fire from being extinguished so it can kill the people trapped in there.

The link for the mega is not working and it is only directing me to my account. Send a link to download the demo. Right click the demo, press the "get link", then a window will pop up. Press Link with key and copy the URL. Done
I am just going to drop this AR, as it has been to big a pain in my butt. Sorry!
[DOUBLEPOST=1465449533,1465321196][/DOUBLEPOST]Can a staff member please close this thread.
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