AR on wolf and card

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Your Steam/In-game Name: ItsAquatiic | Dylan Larsen

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Wolfjie | Harry Gilbert + @cardstarvipe | Philip Wood

His/Her SteamID: N/A

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Wolfjie broke 3.4 because he drove away from a simple ticket for making a U-turn (as seen in the youtube video) and maybe a weapon confiscation. He also broke 3.4 by driving away from gunpoint. Cardstarvipe broke 3.4 because in the end when we pit his friend he jumped out to kill me over a ~6 year sentence, his excuse was that his friend was pressing his org panic button and he "thought" he was going in for 10 years. He also broke 3.15 because he kept trying to ram me off the road causing unnecessary vehicle damage which I don't think is at all proportionate to his friend getting away from a medium served sentence.

Evidence (Demo Required):

He broke law 12.12 and law 6.5 then he panic'd in org saying he needed help so considering the fact u were shooting his car and he could have gotten 9 years in jail i think my actions were justifiable and 3.15? Ive rammed u twice wich would do minor damage to my car and the second time its your own fault u were the one driving on the wrong side of the road not me
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You say I am going in for 6 years, then why not fucking pop my tyres? I am pretty sure I was warranted at the time to, thats why I evaded not just that I used the gun to kill someone. My car goes 0-50mph fairly quick and your on the side of my car I have a clean escape, infact I even did escape, I went to farm and hide and got a pickup for Adrish and he can confirm this @Adrish

The amount of time you had to pop my tyres and you decide to shoot.
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@Wolfjie had recently killed someone and was responding to an organization panic alarm, hence the erratic action. He did try to stop for you and see if it could be resolved by means of a ticket, but since you were taking so long and it looked like it wasn't going to be a ticket he evaded you. The only concerning part is the gunpoint at the junction (Flobbers St. -> Business St.); I'd like to see this from @Wolfjie's perspective so if he could provide an unmanipulated video from his perspective that would be great.

@Wolfjie was clearly being gunpointed, he was wrong to drive off as the maneuvres he actually did would have taken a lot more movement in the car in spite of a gun being pointed to his head, but since he was only gunpointed directly for a minute amount of time before he was moving off forward, it's quite close cut/heat of the moment and as such he will only receive a warning for not stopping immediately.
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