AR request on Daigestive and Atomic.

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California, United States of America
Your Steam/In-game Name: Tyorne/Jessie Dover
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Daigestive/ Dai ??? and Atomic/ ???
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:155798045 and STEAM_0:0:142884053
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.1, 2.5, 3.3 3.4,
Evidence (Demo Required):

For no reason at all, Daigestive and Atomic started following me while I was trying to respond to a different call, which can be seen on the top left near the beginning of the video. Prior to this they have repeatedly been involved in numerous shootouts at the PD, where the whole police force died multiple times, causing them to quit and resulted in me being the last police officer online. They followed me after committing these crimes, with the intention of killing me even though I had no in-game knowledge of their crimes as I had died too. They had no real RP reason to follow me and do this. I believe this to be a violation of 2.5, excessive negativity.

Due to their aggressive manner in following me, I gunpointed them, and they drove off and pulled out weapons to murder me. This is a violation of 2.1, 3.3, and 3.4. If you follow the logic that they are wanted for murdering officers, then why would it be worthwhile to follow and harass a police officer while wanted. If you follow the logic that they have not committed any crimes other than following and harrassing an officer, it is still not worthwhile to murder an officer. They were also gunpointed, and they did not act accordingly.

Literally, the whole police force was gone after this because of the repeated murdering of the police force for no real RP reasons.
In this situation, me and Dylan were looking for the medic because he put his life at risk by running me over mid shootout. After searching for a while we realised he was in the back of your car hiding because he knew we were going to try and kill him which he clearly tells you we are in the video. We waited behind you for the medic to leave your car so we'd have a good chance of sniping him without having to have an unnecessary shootout. You tried to gunpoint us in a moving vehicle leading to you being sniped as week. If you dont want to die,I wouldnt point guns at people you know are armed. Make a Refund request for 5 minutes.
No, like a minute before the demo, I was just driving around and he ran up to my car and hopped in, and I didn’t really care.

The reason I drove to subs was because of a 911 call we received of a a murder that happened in subs park.

You can see the call in the top left of my screen while I was sitting in the car near hospital near the beginning of the video, then I overtake Daigestuge going lights and sirens to the call.
Revenge AR love it. Anyway, like dai said we were looking for Marcus as we wanted to kill him he got in your car we chased you and killed you. We did this as there was no point in waiting as he wasn't gunna leave you.
Do you even have any evidence of why you were trying to kill him? You also shouldn’t be trying to kill medics. You had no idea what medic was in my car unless you have ESP.

You were risking your life for someone you didn’t even know was in there. In my opinion it’s not realistic, nor beneficial to chase a cop to kill a medic. The medic never once stated to me that he had ran you over, nor that you guys were criminals, until you started chasing us. I think you guys had already killed him.

I’d like to see evidence of why you were trying to kill him.

You guys constantly copbait and were doing it all day, then Daigestive goes and complains that the server is police biased, and that it’s just cops and robbers RP yet you guys pull this shit while we’re just trying to mind our own business. The admins just love you guys and nobody was doing anything about it.
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we had our reason and due to the fact that we have a reason, it doesn't matter. and that last sentence is a bit slanderous tbh considering there was like 1 staff member on.
So the admins should just take your word for it? If that’s that case then I don’t even know the point in demos is.

Now you guys care about slander. If that’s slanderous then you guys should be reprimanded too, you guys have constantly insulted me both in-game and on the forums. Daigestive’s post was deleted on the forum though as expected. A little dishonest.

It’s a matter of fact. Nobody did anything about it. I put in an F6 report and shortly after the admin just disconnected. Multiple people all day were complaining in OOC about it.
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@Atomic - There was no reason to follow them for such a long period of time, just to start a shootout with police over a medic, if you want to tell Dai about this then do, as I can't as he is forum banned

Both users will receive a warning for their actions

Reviewed by @SpaceShots & @Creepis
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