Garo, Robin A.K.A a very connfusing sit

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] ErmakDimon/John Tanner
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: @Garo.k @Robin Ljungberg (1 unknown)
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:13917620 (garo) STEAM_0:0:61764163 (robin) (1 unknown)
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4, 2.1 Robin randomly punched our speedenforcer car while we were going to continue our patrol. We got out, gave him a ticket and got into our car again but then 3 other people including Garo started punching our car, we got out again and tried to get them away, but they started attacking us. I called in for backup and went into a foot pursuit after Robin. Once he got into a car and drove off, the backup arrived and arrested him. Garo then got into his bugatti, when i saw him getting in i put roadspikes down behind him immediately so he won't escape. He then ran me over, when i got revived i called in for a lookout. when we found him we started a pursuit in which he was continuously crashing into us not taking damage into account. We finally got him when he became mayor and his car was gone, he got 10 years jailtime and his friend jailed over his friend getting a ticket.
Evidence (Demo Required):!nU11WQAL!r5eifxlJSj9y0RI0aUp4OW8_j46W6S8GQS1HJTH1l0A
Tick: 12500

No rules were broken because me and Robin grabbed rifles and were trying to raid a subs house, then there was a long police chase, and when you put the spikes behind my car i tried to escape that is why you got run over.This was not because of him getting a ticket.Very confusing situation
you made an exessive force In My Opinion, He was hitting the ground, Which totally doesn't fall under any law, You didn't give him a verbal warning and you immediately pulled out your nightstick Going rambo style.
+support right now. A confusing situation, indeed. When the "report" of Garo.k. is right, then they really broke rules, since they can't attack the officers only for a ticket.

Edit: Not sure but, I forgot to say that he punched the ground which falls a bit under cop baiting. Not 100% sure. Ermak thought, that he punched the car. This why he tried to ticket him. Yes, the night stick force was not needed first.
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Both user's have broken 2.1 and 3.4. Neither of them had a reason to begin punching the car, and even after being punished for it the first time they still continue to punch the cars. It seems to me Garo has a bad excuse for running Ermak over, as this simply made him wanted for murder, which would result in a 10 year jail sentence if he was caught.

Robin will only be receiving a warning for his actions, whereas Garo will be receiving a 1 week ban for actions (due to his history of bans and warnings).

I was unable to find out who the third player was due to him using a mic, preventing me from checking any chat logs.
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