AR SammyM

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Piz / Luigi Esposito
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: SammyM / Ole Jokim
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:83996431
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was crafting in peace and this dude comes along and starts fiddling with my door so I tell him to leave. All I did that could be perceived as aggressive / violent towards Ole was punching him once. I pulled my gun out on safety and did not aim it at him once. So I'm unsure why he feels the need to spray me down with his pistol for the pure reason of me asking for him to leave me alone. 3.4 Basically I believe as he risked being arrested & even killed and he was just being a minge.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
tbh i was pretty toxic, i was trying to get him in the back so i could rob him for the shotgun he had on him. but then he started to threaten me multiple times by saying i will catch a pelet or when he hit me. so i took the chance to shot him. Honestly this has been done to me so many times that i dont even see the problem anymore, so i did the same to the guy and appearently its not allowed?
I dont really see this as a breaking of 3.4 because i did it for a reason and its to rob you weather it ended bad or good doesnt matter. If this is breaking 3.4 then why is raiding or mugging allowed?

its your fault for threatning and assualting me instead of calling the police
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i need explaintions from staff if it turns out that i broke rules i will compensate for your loss
also mate i didnt say what i did was nice its just the way of the game if its allowed then it is
1. Bazaar is a very public place - you killed me with 2 people looking in our direction alongside 2 others further back that would've seen you as well after the shots, all because I told you to leave my property. The rule 3.4 clearly states this:

Any actions taken by a player that may put their In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment or general well being at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion and for beneficial reasons.

2. Punching someone once does not warrant you to kill them as well as my threats were only voiced in protection of my property. If I were to walk up to you and say "I'm going to kill you", alongside with other offensive actions related to that, that could be deemed as valid. However, you killed me because I asked you to leave my shop. It was abundantly clear I was just crafting and meant you no harm if you posed no threat.

3. You can't compare what happened in our situation to normal occurrences of mugging and raiding. We were in a public place, populated by police and civilians. You killed me when I posed no threat to your life, if you wanted to mug me you could've pointed your weapon at me and demanded me in the back but you did not.

Just a last question, did you die afterwards / arrested by police?
the 2 people were my friends and infact one of them shot the officers when i got arrested,
I asked Rouge earlier today and he said if someone punch me i can shot him
@Ole Joakim Repeatedly you could but just the once is not valid at all. That’s absurd.
This is not a go roast me page go somewhere else. also just because i hate you doesnt mean you should hate back you knob
The truth is not "roast"
You also killed me last week in PD lobby, when I told a cop to let you go. You didnt deal with the NPC and so. You break rules often lol
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