Let's take a look at this from the driver's perspective:
A guy is standing on the highway. He is shooting towards police, most likely killing them. I can run him over in order to save the life of the officers, thereby following law 7.2 Defending another Person. Not to mention, standing on the highway itself is rather dangerous, as the stretch of road before the bend is 80 MPH, and people usually go past that. Getting run over while standing there is pretty normal, and should probably be expected.
I don't see any reason to make an AR on the driver.
As far as the mugging goes, Arwin may have been in the process of dropping his money, due to the /me performed by Roman, which says: "** Roman takes all money from Arwin". Dropping money isn't exactly instantaneous, and does require the user to type in the correct amount. He couldn't have dropped them at the start, since he was tied (which he also said, and you proceeded to undo), however I don't feel that you gave him much of a chance to actually drop. Like I said, dropping money takes a bit of time, and Garo started counting down before he was even untied.
I disagree with this Action Request entirely.