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Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: slayerduck
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: polarbearlords STEAM_0:0:419516911 / benny STEAM_0:1:75696596 / moon #TEAMLAMAR STEAM_0:043436378 / Stevo-A STEAM_0:0:132675862 / WhiteTigerCc STEAM_0:1:155596153 / TerraLegend STEAM_0:0:47592266 / Chickenrappa STEAM_0:0:67580789
Why Should This Player Be Punished:

polarbearlords STEAM_0:0:419516911 = Minging in the shootout, sitting literately in the middle of it.
benny STEAM_0:1:75696596 = Attempted mingegrab and minging in shootout, was shot down by crims
moon #TEAMLAMAR STEAM_0:043436378 = Sitting at pd in the middle of the shootout while getting shot at.
Stevo-A STEAM_0:0:132675862 = Sitting at pd in the middle of the shootout while getting shot at. Even got hit!
WhiteTigerCc STEAM_0:1:155596153 = Sitting at pd in the middle of the shootout while getting shot at.
TerraLegend STEAM_0:0:47592266 = Minged into the gunfight unarmed and went into slums for unknown reason.
Chickenrappa STEAM_0:0:67580789 = Mingrabbed a gun during the active shootout, seen at 6:07 by @Jonah

Evidence (Demo Required):

I'm done with this shit, the fucking around in a gunfight is extremly annoying as a TFU officer as its nearly impossible to separate crims from non crims.
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Idk what even to reply when i see this kind of AR's idk if its salt or whatever. i wasnt even being shot at im so confused
Idk what even to reply when i see this kind of AR's idk if its salt or whatever. i wasnt even being shot at im so confused
If you're that moon, you're standing there since like min 4 on the video. The area is covered in moaning body's and your watching 5 heavily armed crims while standing on the fench at PD. Then at 5:50 you're in the line of fire taking shots. At 5:57 someone there even got hit, see the blood splatter. You then continue to stand in the middle of the gunfight even after the guy right next to you got hit and started bleeding.

This kind of behavior is extremely annoying and has nothing to do with roleplay.
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In your Ar also add ''Chickenrappa"
At 6:07 u can see him grab Shokron his m4, and me gunning him down because he did. He was not part of the shootout to my knowledge and was unarmed in the middle of one.

Do not warn me please

The kid was obviously trying to mingegrab a weapon. Baggers was still firing at us with his sniper so the shootout was still on going. You can see he was only fleeing for his life when he grabbed the m4 in order to preserve it.
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Well this is one of the issues with semi-realistic RP,
your real life instinct makes you to watch what happens like everyone else that plays PERP it's actually kinda sad to make an AR over this thing cause it didnt ruin your rp in anyway.
annoying as a TFU officer as its nearly impossible to separate crims from non crims.
< I guess this is the reason for the AR in first place.How cant you seperate unarmed people that chill at the PD the most secured place in paralake. while theres an armed army at slums and especially when the shots came from SLUMS only and none of us were in the cross of fire untill the TFU decided to spawn behind us and use us as his cover.
How cant you seperate unarmed people that chill at the PD the most secured place in paralake. while theres an armed army at slums and especially when the shots came from SLUMS only and none of us were in the cross of fire untill the TFU decided to spawn behind us and use us as his cover.
Don't chill in a gunfight, the fact you actually blame TFU for getting shot while standing in the gunfight clearly shows it was the right decision to make this AR. Here i made one specially for you, after you die in slums you instantly run to the PD and watch the entire thing. Even after getting shot at (and you apparently blame TFU for that?) you continue to stand there like a sack of potatoes. As soon as your NLR runs out you run back inside, unarmed.

Don't chill in a gunfight, the fact you actually blame TFU for getting shot while standing in the gunfight clearly shows it was the right decision to make this AR. Here i made one specially for you, after you die in slums you instantly run to the PD and watch the entire thing. Even after getting shot at (and you apparently blame TFU for that?) you continue to stand there like a sack of potatoes. As soon as your NLR runs out you run back inside, unarmed.

Well i aint blaming anyone cause i wasnt shot at,this happens too often in perpheads no offence
this happens too often in perpheads no offence
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