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Your Steam/In-game Name: D3luX / Chris Harper

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Shokron / Lamar Clark
Moon / Jack Bingo
Teby / Teby Brown
Dapsas / Trauk Sankaba
(There were more involved, but i don't remember their names)

His/Her SteamID: Shokron / STEAM_0:1:96586872
Moon / STEAM_0:0:43436378
Teby / STEAM_0:0:84431999
Dapsas / STEAM_0:1:56733990
(There were more involved, but i don't remember their names)

Why Should This Player Be Punished?: I was helping two sweaters to make money. A shootout outsite from erlier was being investigated, and two police officers arrived to question. Because they walked inside the appartment, then one of the sweater decided to shoot the cops, which started a shootout between us, and the police. David was keep asking to get inside base, but i kept telling him no, we were full. But when the shooting happened, i had to let him wait inside till it was over, and you can hear him scream for storage, but he is not a part of the base or anything. I called @Stevo-A to flank the cops, and no one else, and then i wrote in org chat, "Do not kill the orange people, they are flanking cops". And at a point, as dumb as i am, i decided to rush out, and got one tapped. While i was dead, i was told apparently Wagwan decided to counter raid, do a raid while we was shooting against cops. As what im aware about, while i was dead, a few minutes after i shot killed, Lamar either killed @Yaseen or @Jimmy Gerrard or @[[SIZE=3]Lg]C>J[/SIZE].

@Samuel took an short sit, and told me to make an AR. In the sit wagwan told they were called to flank, which i do not believe, because none of my members called them, and neither did Olsen. And also what was said in the sit, "You can't turn a defending into a raid", which what they said they did. I believe they did a counter raid.

Broke 3.4
Lamar and his organization killed several cops in order to raid a property though it did not benefit him. Lamar should have waited until the cops were gone as by killing several cops who are already alerted he is just putting his life in further risk than he otherwise would have done.

Evidence (Demo Required):
Here is my demo of the situation before i died.

@Yaseen or @[Lg]C>J, could maybe provide that he actually was killed by Lamar. Also logs will prove this.
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First of all, I was called by David(Patrick Mohammad) to kill cops. After that we (me, Lamar and Bingo) killed cops, Olsen came and they ran me over, gun pointed me and when they didn't look at me I killed 2 of them then my org came and killed the rest. we came up to Projex 3 to tell Chris and everyone there that we killed cops, they tried shoot Lamar through the door and we told them to stop because, we killed cops as David requested. They didn't stop so we shot them aswell and "raided" them since I won't let them fucking kill us. There was no counter at all, we didn't even plan to raid you until your org tried to kill us.



@D3luX said that David wasn't apart of it even tho you can see David inside the base at 2:40 helping them defend, I think David could even confirm that I was called by him to kill cops.
David wasn't apart of the base. You can hear him scream till i die, he needs storage. He wasnt defending, he just ran in when the shootout happened. Also what i was told, you were the ones shooting at my org members, so they shot back. You were not called by us, and what happened wasn't your business. Harpers and Wagwan are enemies, not allies. My members were told not to shoot olsen, because they flanked cops, not you. Lamar shot my members, they din't shoot him.

Also @Samuel said in the sit, you can't turn a defending into a raid.

No matter what, i will still claim you intention to be there was to raid. Everyone knows that, you can't lie about it. Enemies doesn't flank for eachother.
I believe Shokrons and the others should provide demos, which will show what happened, with big possibility, that they came to raid.
it dosent matter what u belive, patrick called teby to flank, then this whole thing started with me getting shot, matter of fact if david wasnt a part of this how did he have a gun and shot at us ? sorry if im rude i find this a pathethic attempt to get me banned , i have proof of you saying u want me banned cause u want me down and what not but thats not for here.
it dosent matter what u belive, patrick called teby to flank, then this whole thing started with me getting shot, matter of fact if david wasnt a part of this how did he have a gun and shot at us ? sorry if im rude i find this a pathethic attempt to get me banned , i have proof of you saying u want me banned cause u want me down and what not but thats not for here.
I agree with him tbh, #IF_YOU_CAN'T_FIGHT_THEM_BAN_THEM
it dosent matter what u belive, patrick called teby to flank, then this whole thing started with me getting shot, matter of fact if david wasnt a part of this how did he have a gun and shot at us ? sorry if im rude i find this a pathethic attempt to get me banned , i have proof of you saying u want me banned cause u want me down and what not but thats not for here.
I proceed to wallbang while I was at the door (didnt see anything) thinking there is cops downstairs but you have managed to kill them all so you can counter-raid us, you seemed like you got in the way while i was wallbanging and you know that you might get shot when you get closer to p3 but you just carried on "wow you called us for a flank and thats what you do" despite we didnt call any wagwan for flank as we are enemies with them, so you used this stupid reason to raid us because you were downstairs and you knew we are shooting and you came to the crossfire although i didnt hear anyone bleeding (so i didnt shoot you)
I proceed to wallbang while I was at the door (didnt see anything) thinking there is cops downstairs but you have managed to kill them all so you can counter-raid us, you seemed like you got in the way while i was wallbanging and you know that you might get shot when you get closer to p3 but you just carried on "wow you called us for a flank and thats what you do" despite we didnt call any wagwan for flank as we are enemies with them, so you used this stupid reason to raid us because you were downstairs and you knew we are shooting and you came to the crossfire although i didnt hear anyone bleeding (so i didnt shoot you)
We didn't even plan to raid you?? we don't take the "war" seriously enough to use a dumb fucking excuse to raid you.
You shot at us, what did you want me to do? I'm pretty sure that you'd do the same fucking thing, if we'd take it serious all of you would try to get us banned for cheating like most of the time when Chris or someone else from your salty org dies.
[DOUBLEPOST=1516365300,1516365032][/DOUBLEPOST]Second of all, how am I suppose to know that David is not involved in dis sit?? he called me to flank so I did, please tell me how was I suppose to know that David isn't with you? He had an l85, was inside your base, helped you defend and CALLED ME TO KOS COPS AROUND THE AREA OF PROJEX

We didn't even plan to raid you?? we don't take the "war" seriously enough to use a dumb fucking excuse to raid you.
You shot at us, what did you want me to do? I'm pretty sure that you'd do the same fucking thing, if we'd take it serious all of you would try to get us banned for cheating like most of the time when Chris or someone else from your salty org dies.

We wouldn't even have responded to flank cops for enemies. If we were smart, we would wait out if cops loose, and then raid. But its a pussy move, so we won't do it.
W/e you guys are saying, it cant justify what you did broke the rules. You counter raided, which is not allowed. Also if you keep saying you were flankers, you still raided. So stop lieing, and admit what you did was wrong, and take your punishment. Shokrons demo, and logs, will both proof that you raided us while cops were there, and shot the remains in projex.

Both Brinch and Samuel, stated what ever you did, was wrong and against the rules. Because both counts as counter raid, because you actually raided us.
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I did call teby to flank and yes I did get storage and actually ended up killing more than the real ppl in the base did they were screaming at me "patrick get a gun and help please"
Lamar still raided, so their intention to be there was to raid, and not flank. Because who will flank for enemies? None. They had no business to be that what so ever. They raided the appartment. So no matter how many times they claim they was there to flank, they counter raided. You just using you was there to flank, to try cover up your rule break.

Stevo got a call to KOS cops at projex for the Harpers and as we were bored as fuck we agreed to help, we arrived and we saw Wagwan shooting cops so we assumed we were all helping. When we arrived someone shot out car once so I swerved left and accidentally hit @Teby and was basically insta sprayed down by someone.

Shooting cops to counter raid is the equivalent of starting a raid when a cop is at the front door of an Apt. thus breaking 3.4. I'd rather keep this in character and avoid all of these retarded AR's on one another as the server is somewhat enjoyable with all of this org beef, either way a rule was broken but I'd rather no one be punished for it. :)

Stevo got a call to KOS cops at projex for the Harpers and as we were bored as fuck we agreed to help, we arrived and we saw Wagwan shooting cops so we assumed we were all helping. When we arrived someone shot out car once so I swerved left and accidentally hit @Teby and was basically insta sprayed down by someone.

Shooting cops to counter raid is the equivalent of starting a raid when a cop is at the front door of an Apt. thus breaking 3.4. I'd rather keep this in character and avoid all of these retarded AR's on one another as the server is somewhat enjoyable with all of this org beef, either way a rule was broken but I'd rather no one be punished for it. :)
So they were there before you? Damn they came fast.

So its now confirmed that there were cops at the scene when Lamar showed up with his org Wagwan. And they shot olsen, but olsen din't shoot as they thought they were flankers. And Lamar and the rest proceeded to go inside, kill the remainings, and raid. So a counter raid confirmed.
So they were there before you? Damn they came fast.

So its now confirmed that there were cops at the scene when Lamar showed up with his org Wagwan. And they shot olsen, but olsen din't shoot as they thought they were flankers. And Lamar and the rest proceeded to go inside, kill the remainings, and raid. So a counter raid confirmed.
we were basing at morons lmao
Also forgot to mention that we actually won it and not suicided into our death when we bobbied the door after we got wall banged by the people inside.
I have discussed this situation with @D3V and @Super_, and as far as we can understand, the events are as follows:
  1. @D3luX and his friends were being raided by the police.
  2. @David tries to enter and is eventually let in.
  3. @David calls for help.
  4. @Teby and his friends arrive to help @David.
  5. Somebody shoots at @Teby and his friends, resulting in them fighting back.
While this situation is unusual, I do not see anybody who was intentionally putting their life at undue risk.

All of the citizens involved are partially responsible for how things turned out.

The issue here is really a trust thing. Don't base with people who you think may value the life of somebody outside your base over somebody in your base. In the same way, don't flank for people who you think are going to turn their guns on you.
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