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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: D3luX / Chris Harper

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Shokron / Lamar Clark
Google Chrome / (Dont Know)
Kogan / (Dont Know)
Moon / Jack Bingo
GGgames / (Dont Know)

(There were more involved, but i don't remember their names)

His/Her SteamID: Shokron / STEAM_0:1:96586872
Google Chrome / STEAM_0:1:191086074
Kogan / STEAM_0:1:87190474
Moon / STEAM_0:0:43436378
GGgames / STEAM_0:1:43255093

(There were more involved, but i don't remember their names)

Why Should This Player Be Punished?: We were just having a shootout against the cops in slums, as we had an wanted person inside. Some people were in cuffs, and we were a few inside. After killing the last officer, and we were a bit wounded, in the second the last officer dies, we started getting shot from slums 1. Shokrons org have decided to do a counter raid, even though we had cleaned our appartment from drugs, and were about to leave, they decided to counter raid, and it dint benefit them in any way, other than a few weapons, plus they shot the people in cuffs outsite i believe. So i believe there was a clearly rulebreak for rule 3.4 and possibly rule 2.5.
Also rule 3.6.

The appartment was cleared, and a few of us were having weapons. Because we were pushing out, as we had to leave the area. So counter raiding/backstabbing us, din't benefit them.

It couldn't benefit him, he never assisted the police since they were all dead
He was not directly involved apart from it being in the same apartment block
There were no illegals apart from weapons to collect.

Evidence (Demo Required):
Here is a video of the entire situation. I will possibly get some of the others posting a video of their perspective.
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As far as i knew counter raids are only 3.4 if cops are alive and it dosent benefit me.
So i waited for all of the cops to die and i started shooting them.
it benefitted me as i won this counter and i got all the guns from the guys i killed, i escaped from the sence and no cops after me.
As far as i knew counter raids are only 3.4 if cops are alive and it dosent benefit me.
So i waited for all of the cops to die and i started shooting them.
it benefitted me as i won this counter and i got all the guns from the guys i killed, i escaped from the sence and no cops after me.
So what you are basically saying is, that you believe it is allowed to kill someone you see with a weapon if you get away from the scene after. This is a 100% clearly violation of 3.4 and possibly 2.5.

So from now on everyone can kill people who is running around with a gun, take it, and get away. And its not a rule break?

And all the guns? I think there were like 3 or 4 guns.
Why do you add people that are not involved lol? They weren't even on the server at the time you just add them because you are aways salty when you lose just accept it and stop being a minge.

You little cheat.​
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