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Your Steam/In-game Name: DB KILLER/Dylan Rusell
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Zoephy/Newt Husky
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50197118
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, There was a shootout at bazaar and me and 3 others were in the shop unarmed and then 1 shooter entered our shop and 1 minute later Zoephy/Newt Husky wall banged the door (without knowing who’s the shooter and where the shooter is in the shop) killing me and @Exnem but I got revived but Exnem didn’t. Both of us didn’t do anything but cook fish :(
Evidence (Demo Required):
video is @Mango perspective as tfu

People that were there that might want to give there perspective: @Exnem @DB KILLER @StevenMaas were the unarmed people @Wiki the shooter that entered the store and @Josef @Mango as the TFU
Well, I wasn't sure of the whole situation however what I was told was that there was an armed suspect inside where I then saw Officer Newt wall-banging the door which led to two civilians inside being shot down unconscious.
All I can really say to be honest.
@Zoephix decided it to open fire on our door when @Al Capone was shooting cops at bz, someone had ran into our shop with a weapon and ran out the back. Once had had ran out the back the officer decided it would be a great idea to march up to the door and open fire on it, he managed to wallbang 2 people who weren’t even involved and managed to hit me and almsot kill me.

He then proceeded to slander me in looc when I said “it was zophix that shot you” @Shay witnessed it. He said I was meta gaming and started crying because I said his ooc name instead of his ic name, he was slandering me as well.
First of all I was not crying @Wiki I just found it annoying that you were bringing OOC information to IC, I basically asked if you could stop doing that.

Explaining this situation, I was infront of the shop and an officer got shot, he was bandaging himself. He then proceeded to tell me there were armed suspects inside the shop, so ofcourse I took the officers word and started shooting back, as it was a massive chaotic shootout.

No I did not know there was specifically only one person that was armed, the officer was not clear enough in saying that.
Besides that, you could have moved away from the shootout, and perhaps say something in 911 instead of locking the doors after letting a suspect in. Because basically, what it looked like from our view. Is that you let the suspect in, and then locked the doors. While the suspect recently attacked multiple officers.
Oh and, I'm pretty sure both of you did get revived. I saw the medic reviving both suspects after I told him to, I can provide demo evidence if needed.
We had locked ourselves inside the shop to hide from them, he ran in with a gun and out the back barley even making contact with us. You need to have more information instead of just firing at the shop not even knowing if there is any innocent people inside.
Zoephix, you were told multiple times that the woman died so stop trying to cover it up.
Your saying we could of got away but about that, so when shootout first started we were outside shop so we proceeded to enter shop so we don’t get shot and then the shooter who has keys himself unlocked it and came it while I was cooking fish then I take a bullet in the back so I move and you keep shooting and also I was only one to get revived medic tried reviving other person but they died but either way you did a bad thing

As an officer, firing through a wall or door is generally not acceptable unless you know for sure there are no innocent people inside. From what I've heard from yourself and others in this AR there were no precautions taken to make sure there were no innocent people inside before shooting through the door/wall.

On this occasion, you will be punished for your actions in a form of a warning.​
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