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Your Steam/In-game Name: Mango | Jean Pierre
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jefffy Gutenberg | Pro Football Player
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:116657547

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Jefffy shot me on the basis that I called the cops on them and allegedly threatened them. At the beginning of my altercation with them, they asked me to get in their car and so I did. They then drove me out to the middle of the forest and I told them that I didn't want to go into the forest and then they dumped me in the middle of the forest anyway and left me stranded. I called it into the police for obvious reasons, however there was no evidence, therefore none of them was prosecuted.
My next altercation with them occurred at Suburbs Storage where I was transporting an M82 to my trunk in a swift manner and didn't even pose a threat. They were talking saying how they could punch me to death for it and how they could kill me, to which I responded, "I could also kill you, but I'm not going to," about 30 seconds later I was shot by Jefffy.

Overall, he broke 2.5 and 3.4 due to the fact that none of them were prosecuted nor they were they negatively affected by my actions, meaning killing me was out of proportion. I also never made any death threats and this was done in-front of the Storage NPC alongside police responding around the corner 3 seconds later and them clearly risking jail time over a small thing not justifiable within the law.

Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: N/A
my MAIN reason for killing you was that, we told you to get in the car as a joke (not at gunpoint) and you got in and immediately you start talking about how we cant mug you which we didn't even plan to so we were going to just leave you in the woods and then you said you called the cops on us for kidnapping you even though you voluntarily got in the car, this led to multiple police situations for us in which we had to run from the cops. I shot you for almost getting us arrested due to your 911 call claiming that we kidnapped you which is proper because, 1. The cops were chasing us in the woods right after you called, and 2. if I was to get arrested and searched I would go to jail for having weapons that I "kidnapped you with" on top of the charges for "kidnapping you"

Second reason I killed you was because you threatening us and pulled a sniper out and said something along the lines of "dont mess with me" and continued to threaten us after you put it in your car...

Like I said main reason for the kill was you snitching on us for "kidnapping" and almost getting us arrested by having the cops chase us for like 5 minutes.

Wont be responding again unless needed by an admin
2.5 states that the action you take against someone has to be proportionate. Calling the cops on you is not proportionate to you having a reason to kill me, especially when you didn't serve a jail sentence and also take into consideration that there is no evidence, so if you didn't kidnap me, you had no reason flee and were breaking 3.4 there too.

@A1L can you comment on what situations this caused with the police?
"Calling the cops on you is not proportionate to you having a reason to kill me",
it is if your saying that we kidnapped you which we kinda did, we took you into the middle of the woods even though you told us you didn't want to and we forced you out there, the cops saw that and began to chase us around for a solid 5 minutes.

"No evidence"
Dude the fucking cops saw us driving away from where you made the call and from where we left you, there most certainly was evidence... we left you in the woods from where you made the call and were driving away from the scene... we can definitely be pinned for that.

Dont understand why youre tagging your buddy just so he can backup your lies... this 5 second video shows absolutely nothing of the situation and this AR is just nonsense, no reason this should have been made when its just a he said/he said situation.
From my side of the story, mango had gotten in my vehicle because my friends asked him to. He willingly went in my vehicle so we just started driving around. He started talking looc saying that we are not allowed to mug kidnapped people but we weren't even kidnapping him because he willingly got in the vehicle didn't gp him or anything. Then he says to let him leave so we drop him off in the middle of the forest and leave. as we are leaving i see him pulling his phone out. I drive out of the woods and ram straight into two cops that were waiting for us. We drive off and they eventually ram my car off the road and handcuff me. I asked why and they said that I was reported for KIDNAPPING someone. It is pretty obvious who it was. Since there was no evidence that I kidnapped him I was let go. So this person lied to the police saying he was kidnapped and almost got me arrested not only that but indirectly caused damage to my vehicle.
I'm going to write myself on the side of the story, @Mango reported the Grey Merecedes E63 (@Islexic) for kidnapping, in which I attempted to speed after you @Islexic after you rammed into my Cadillac, in which it seemed like you was already failing to stop before myself getting into a head on collision with another officer before me and @Freedor chasing you down and rammed you on the highway, you was let go due to insufficent evidence and was let go without being charged on the 12.12 / 12.8 Collisions part.

After I was looking for a warranted suspect as far as I remember at the Suburbs, I saw all of you and I had assumed it was going to turn into a brawl, as soon as I pull up to talk to you guys about illegally parking, Jeffrey shoots @Mango in the head without even attempting to deal with the NPC straight after and attempted to run away.

This just seems like a clear 2.5,& 3.4 @Mango reported you guys to the cops, however there was no beneficial reason to kill Mango since there was insufficent evidence to charge you people.

As soon as I pull up, Jeffrey shoots Mango and I shoot at Jeffrey resulting in all of you focusing your attention onto myself and attempting to kill me, @Islexic then runs at me with a Knife which ends up in his death including another persons who attempted to kill me, then going onto the last person getting ran over before Jeffrey getting gunpointed and put in for Murder.

There would have been proper evidence had u guys caught the rest of us not just artur.

I also couldnt deal with the NPC cus I saw your lights so I tried to sprint away... sorry I couldnt deal with the NPC and not just get shot by you right away lol
No worries on the NPC side though, although none of you was charged that's the thing, there is no beneficial reason, even if Mango did report you to the Police, there was no evidence to arrest you guys and even if we did caught the rest of you what will that prove? there was no beneficial reason to even kill him, you're just bringing it worse for yourself
Clear evidence to charge you with something you claim you didn't do? I'm confused, did you or did you not kidnap @Mango? If you didn't like you said, there was no feasible way we could charge you.
"No evidence"
@kjm Words: "Dude the fucking cops saw us driving away from where you made the call and from where we left you, there most certainly was evidence... we left you in the woods from where you made the call and were driving away from the scene... we can definitely be pinned for that."

So what we saw you driving away from the Forest? That doesn't give us any solid evidence to charge you, we was only there to investigate you kidnapping and after you sped away from the alleged kidnapping, you rammed into me and still carried on speeding off before I got into an accident, Islexic clearly was evading although we had no solid evidence on you, and even after myself speaking to you and letting @Islexic go, there was nothing to be charged with except the 6.9, and possibly the 12.8/12.12, however Artur was not charged for nothing nor could we charge you on the kidnapping from a civilian's word since I had attempted to contact Mango and I just let Arthur go cause there was no evidence to prove it.

For you guys just to kill Mango like that is quite clearly 2.5 & 3.4, firstly shooting him in public and the excessiveness of your actions since quite clearly it's not good enough reason to kill Mango for him calling the cops on you when we had no evidence to prosecute you on the basis of the alleged actions which was thrown out of the window.

It seemed from our POV you could've kidnapped him, although you wasn't charged at all nor was any of your buddies that was in the alleged kidnapping in which is just solely breaking rules cause of that, if you were to be charged then sure possibly, however this is not benefical at all to kill Mango, espically in public at Storage like that.

Here is some extra evidence when I was responding to the Farm and Islexic crashed into me, and decided to speed of, including he knew I was after him to pull him over to investigate the alleged kidnapping before some officer decided to go on the wrong side of the road, making me have a head-on collision and nearly killing myself.

The killing was excessive and very public (which ended up in you three getting shot), it had no benefit killing him as he posed no threat or resulted in any type of damage.
User will receive a warning for his actions.
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