right click, save as/under, select all file types, save as autoexec.cfg and put this into the cfg folder inside Garry's Mod
Remove this part of the .cfg if you don't want your voicechat to be a toggle, forgot to remove it myself
//Voice toggle
alias voicetoggle "voicetoggleon"
alias voicetoggleon "+voicerecord; alias voicetoggle voicetoggleoff"
alias voicetoggleoff "-voicerecord; alias voicetoggle voicetoggleon"
bind "v" "voicetoggle"
alias voiceon "+voicerecord; alias togglevoice voiceoff"
alias voiceoff "-voicerecord; alias togglevoice voiceon"
alias togglevoice voiceon
bind v togglevoice
if you want to know what any of the cvar/commands do then message me here