If your lookiing to snipe, sometimes the draw distance may be kinda annoying, i could barely see 30 meters, i had mine default set to 1400, but i chagned it to 3000 and now i can see way further. You go into your autoexec.cfg and type this
cl_detaildist 3000
then save!
Note it may cause little less fps..
*Still testing it, maybe it jsut looks like it helped but im pretty sure it did
having problems finiding autoexec? search google - however it should be in your gmod install directory > cfg > autoexec.cfg
cl_detaildist 3000
then save!
Note it may cause little less fps..
*Still testing it, maybe it jsut looks like it helped but im pretty sure it did

having problems finiding autoexec? search google - however it should be in your gmod install directory > cfg > autoexec.cfg
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