Community Suggestion Autofill for ban appeals

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Suggestion Title: Autofill for ban appeals
Suggestion Description: ive recently come across multiple new players ban appeals where it says “what did you get banned for?: i dont remember”. so i recommend that there is an autofill feauture that would instantlly fill out the reason you were banned/got a warning/blacklist etc reading this from scambans. this could work for steam name, ic name and steam id but you can already set those on your profile to autofill

Why should this be added?:
- would make it easier for newplayers/people to make ban appeals
- would prevent having in the ban reason or in ic game etc “idk”/“i dont remember”

What negatives could this have?:
- dev time

What problem would this suggestion solve?: it would help both staff and players autofill their IC names incase they played a long time ago and dont remeber or it would autofill the last ban you recieved in the “why were you banned?” box
It's a small thing to do but honestly if you can't even take the time to read the ban notification or click the Bans link in the navbar then why even bother making an appeal? It clearly shows you aren't willing to put any effort into your appeal. Ever notice that 'I dont remember appeals' are at best two sentences long?
fair point but still there is the “i dont remember” part for the ic name for new players or old members that got banned a while ago. i feel like this could still have its use
If you're actually filling out enough ban apology / dispute forms for this to be a reoccurring issue then there's issues that need to be addressed. The process shouldn't cut corners for convenience sake.
yea but new players wont need that. from what ive read this doesnt really seem to be an issue so maybe just add a guide on where to find everything you need when you press “create a punishment appeal”
It’s already been said, but if someone can’t be arsed to try and get the info, I wouldn’t be arsed to write accepted
I feel like if you can’t remember why you are banned or don’t put effort in looking it up, you shouldn’t appeal in the first place and rethink about your actions.
You should read your ban before disputing / apologising. This then will allow you to fill in this section but also show you are actually sorry ( apology) or its a proper dispute. All the info in regards to your ban is accessible at all times. Saying I don't know when you can access the reason easily isn't a good enough excuse. This is mainly a suggestion in regards to convivence when it takes you a minute if that to look at the reason behind the ban

The downvotes and responses speak for themselves.

It takes 2 mins to navigate to the bans at the top of the forums to gather your information and paste into the form, if a player doesn't know we have a shoutbox, help section on forums, discord and in game they can simply ask.
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