AutoMed Mechanics - Applications

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Hello there, I see that you are interested in applying for AutoMed Mechanics or you're just taking a look, well if you are here to apply, you are in luck because we are currently looking for employees! All employees get a 50% discount on all repairs/services when off duty and get 2-week premium services when they resign from the job! (They have to have at least worked for Autonet's for at least 2 weeks)

Please copy and complete the application below then comment when you have finished.

In Character Name:
Your Playtime on the server:
How active can you be working for AutoMeds?:
Can you provide quality service for all customers?:
All Employee's at Automed have to sign in there Time Card (Will be made soon), Will you every time you're on duty?:

Thank you for applying at AutoMed Mechanics
Applications can only be accepted by @Kay at this current moment

ADVISOR: This organization is a passive Roleplaying org, so do not expect an organization with the F3 Menu etc. Also, we do not grow illegal substances thank you!
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In Character Name: James Timmons
Age: 16
Your Playtime on the server: 16 days
How active can you be working for AutoMeds?: Very Active
Can you provide quality service for all customers?: I can provide customers with extremely high quality service.
All Employee's at Automed have to sign in there Time Card (Will be made soon), Will you every time you're on duty?: 10-4 Affirmitive.
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Reactions: Kay
In Character Name:
Your Playtime on the server: 1 Month +
How active can you be working for AutoMeds?: Active for work
Can you provide quality service for all customers?: I fix very fast and good, good service cheap.
All Employee's at Automed have to sign in there Time Card (Will be made soon), Will you every time you're on duty?: Yes
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