[Awaiting Decision] 3.31 Bazaar Shops

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Edinburgh, Scotland
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 3.31 Bazaar Shops
Your version of the rule: Bazaar shops should be used to run a business and not limited to crafting, storage etc.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Basically I commonly see half of the bazaar used for crafting with names like "just crafting" and "crafting", it's rather unrealistic in my opinion and a waste of space, I think that crafting could be done but in the back as long as the front was being used for something in the mean time, or you could simply craft in your home. I often want to own a bazaar shop but they are all owned due to loads of crafting "shops".

EDIT: I don't get the whole number system so I just put 3.31.
I gotta agree here, you should only have a bazaar shop if you intend to use it as a commercial property, selling stuff, buying stuff, spreading communist propaganda, scamming poor fucks out of their savings, etc.
Though I am guilty of having owned crafting shops in the past, I only ever use them when bazaar is relatively empty, and if someone else already has one, I ask to use theirs instead.
Perhaps if the garages by bazaar were for sale and usable then people might use those instead.

Ples Superb
I entirely agree with this idea, but there's a problem with it:

What if someone puts a load of shit on sale like 20 bats and then does nothing but craft? No one's going to buy them, and the owner knows it, so he just uses it as an excuse to own the shop?
I run a shop alot and yes I know that most bazaar shops are owned but nothing is really done with them. I would be fine with them being for crafting and running a business only because I need a place to craft and everywhere else is raided every two seconds. And plus my business is also responsible for taking orders alongside selling in the shop meaning sometimes I dont have anything on sale.

I cannot always sell stuff and I know that the shops are bought for barely any good reason so I mostly buy one then wait for seriously low sales tax.
I like Allen's idea. Instead of having the garage doors as decoration or whatever, they could be used as a small garage.
Criminals could use it as a hideout, do illegal stuff etc. The only negative thing I can see with that is that it require's a map change. But that isn't that hard.
or you could simply craft in your home.
Thats the problem people dont wanna risk their base / props to burn, plus bazzar shops are cheaper then apartments (i think).
I personally do it all the time as its a chill place to sit and craft , you dont have to worry as much from bobbys then you do in a regals / slums.
So ill have to dissagree on this one.
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