[Awaiting Decision] Change to 5.1

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.1

Your version of the rule:
Players are not allowed to mug more than 3 times in any 60 minute period; nor can they mug the same player twice, within any 60 minute period. Players may only mug other players in a realistic manner, for example mugging someone in the middle of a street is not realistic. Muggings should only take place in locations which are out of the view of the public.

Whilst participating in a Mugging all players are expected to adhere to rule 2.5, this means that causing any unnecessary and unreasonable harm or damage to a player or their possessions is prohibited.

Items such as: Barricades, Furniture and crafting materials are not to be dropped during a mugging.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Lets start with the main reason this should be changed, currently I can sit in a apt and run down to the DD every batch, or even with millions in drugs on me. I do not even need a gun, I can tell someone "hahah I am selling drugs" and they CANNOT mug me. The fear with doing drugs is gone and it should be there.

Lewis explained why this was added and the response was "People camp the drug dealer". I personally don't see a problem with this as if you could just bring a gun when you sell you put your chances of getting mugged at 0%. As a compromise why don't we just introduce a rule where you cannot camp the drug dealer for more than 10 minutes. This might be hard to keep track of for mods but it would act as a deterrent, if people know they can get banned for it then why risk it.

There should be a risk to selling drugs, at the moment its harder to be a taxi driver.
I just agree I think there should be a change to this rule as of recently I went to sell my drugs and equipped my gun out of habit then someone told me I didn't need it anymore so I walked down and sold it didn't feel right. I think banning DD mugs isn't really the best idea I think @Walker had a great idea saying that there should be a time you are allowed to camp dd.
I agree
A big part of the thug lyfe is is the risk involved
currently there is no risk when i want to sell my dank or my powder at the drug dealer other than the fact that i can hit my car on something and die
Of course with the removal of this rule, some other parts of the NPC rule or mugging in public rule still apply (in case the drug dealer is in clear view of the public like behind the bazaar shops)

1 agree = 1 mug at DD
Great Idea, too many times I have seen people walking down toward the dd without a care in the world knowing they are going to be able to sell there drugs without one being arrested or 2 mugged and/or murdered, I'd love to see this implemented. Nice idea Walker.
What i really dont like at dd muggings, that for me they happen whenever im in the dialogue menu, so i cant do anything or be aware of my surroundings. I dont think that removal of the rule is necessary, since theres no way to find out if someone was actually in the menu when the mugging started
THis will ruin a lot for a lot of people, I can only see millionairs responding i agree to this thread just to fuck over poor people.

I can already imagine people camping at the DD to get some easy cash.
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What i really dont like at dd muggings, that for me they happen whenever im in the dialogue menu, so i cant do anything or be aware of my surroundings.
Really a non-issue
What most sensible people would do in the situation would be to already have the weapon out in attack stance and place your back against the wall so you can see anyone who approaches the drug dealer
If anyone wants to pop you, you can see, in most cases, if anyone is approaching you.
And again, its not about being 100% aware at all times. It's part of the risk you take when you are criminal
THis will ruin a lot for a lot of people, I can only see millionairs responding i agree to this thread just to fuck over poor people.

I can already imagine people camping at the DD to get some easy cash.
What i really dont like at dd muggings, that for me they happen whenever im in the dialogue menu, so i cant do anything or be aware of my surroundings. I dont think that removal of the rule is necessary, since theres no way to find out if someone was actually in the menu when the mugging started

I don't get your point, the point of this is to ensure there is a fear factor making it more realistic. You are disagreeing with this because you get mugged at the DD. Why not sell drugs with friends, take a weapon for protection. All things that you would do IRL if selling drugs because you are scared.

Also all of them people are not millionaires
[DOUBLEPOST=1490810370,1490810051][/DOUBLEPOST]Double post, to answer the people stating "This will only help the rich people", you are very wrong. The rich people can sell millions at the drug dealer without a care in the world. Surely this would stop that as they can now get mugged there...
People will just go to the Drug Dealer armed and there would be constant shoot outs at the DD spots, meaning police would have to get involved, meaning nobody can buy or sell drugs.

I agree in making drugs harder to profit from, but this is not the way to do it.

-Support. Purely because the number of reports would sky rocket.

But honestly when I saw this rule some time ago I was confused as to why anyone would disallow muggings at DD, literally just making it easier for people to powergrow with no risks despite raids which aren't that much of a hurdle to surpass. So yeah this rule should definitely be edited.
fuck outta here with this "noob friendly" shit.

the people who mug by the DD are more likely to be noobs themselves. This rule is fucking shit, want to know why, because this happens in real life just like mugging.

Right now, you don't even need to worry when you visit the drug dealer, and that is not realistic as in it self.
As a drug user myself, I always carry a small knife just incase he gets out a weapon.
Remove rule
Current risks associated with Growing drugs on PERP:

- Being Raided: This can lead to death, Injury and/or unwanted police intervention.
- Police Drugs raids: This can lead to Arrest, Fine, Injury and / or death.
- Blowing up: Meth is bad kids!
- Being Burgled when you leave your home unattended.
- Transporting your drugs to the drug dealer without drawing any police attention ( Surprisingly harder since whitelist)

And if you genuinely think in a real life scenario that a drug dealer would comfortably sit around surrounded by armed men who are waiting to spring out at unsuspecting customers, Then for your own sake, Don't do crime IRL.

Most Drug dealers are armed. You think someone's gonna sit comfortably as someone pulls a gun on someone and mugs them in front of you? What if the drug dealer fears for there life and shoots you dead because of the scene their witnessing?

Lest we forget, People will be interacting with the NPC, which means they might not be able to drop there drugs and people will take the opportunity to kill them over it.

And no, I'm not against this idea because "Muh Powergrowing", Hell, I haven't even placed a drugs plant since the start of March. It is already risky growing drugs as is. And if someone powergrowing is genuinely triggering you, then you might need to take a break from PERP.
I personally don't see a problem with this as if you could just bring a gun when you sell you put your chances of getting mugged at 0%.

You're right it would put the chances of you getting mugged at 0%.

It would instead raise your chances of being shot and killed.

As a compromise why don't we just introduce a rule where you cannot camp the drug dealer for more than 10 minutes.

You said yourself this would be almost impossible to track, this compromise wouldn't really work.

but it would act as a deterrent, if people know they can get banned for it then why risk it.

Deterrents such as the rules don't always work, as you can see on sourcebans.

Sorry Walker, I don't agree with this revision. It was put in place so that players wouldn't lose large amounts of money after waiting for several hours, which is discouragement to selling. Meaning there's no way for players to make money, so there would be no economy as people wouldn't see the point of growing and risking getting their profits taken on the off chance someone's waiting with a gun.
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