[Awaiting decision] [Suggestion] Rule 3.5

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39.007238, 126.281624
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 3.5 New Life Rule
Your version of the rule: "[...] Joining or leaving any government job is to be treated as a new life, however, LEOs may act on crime the person in question performed before joining or leaving any government job. [...]"
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Due to me witnessing someone threatening to bomb the PD, but becoming SS agent right after that, I thought it would be a great filling for this loophole.
There is a murder on a loose, you try to collect evidence as fast as police, you find out who the murderer is, you run up to him with your gun pointing at him, "ON THE GROUND, DROP YOUR WEAPON!!!". Did you guess what happened already? He became the mayor :facepalm: .
+support, it becomes silly sometimes.
I got mixed feelings about this, I've always said if you witness a crime while or being on the way to sign up to the job as LEO you may act on the law that you've seen been broken, will bring this up in next meeting we have with administrators.
Yeah no this is a shit idea, if I go grow then go on duty am I supposed to arrest myself, no this is dumb this will cause to many problems.
Yeah no this is a shit idea, if I go grow then go on duty am I supposed to arrest myself, no this is dumb this will cause to many problems.
I believe Skudist generally means that if he saw someone punch someone else outside the city hall then he may remember this as he goes cop.
I agree with this but consider if this person becomes not only a LEO but the highest ranked on duty who would arrest him?

Considering how most people who do this are low or non ranked it should not be a problem but its possible.
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