"Bad reports"

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The past weeks, I've noticed a lot of "bad reports". Bad reports can be when the only message the reporter says is "failrp" and "3.4" for an example.
At 90% of the time, we have to reply with the same thing "Please elaborate". I mean come on, it's not hard to explain what happened. I understand that you can be frustrated when someone is breaking the rules and it's affecting you, but you will save so much time in putting some effort into the report.

Keep in mind that the better the report is made, the quicker and easier will it be for a staff member to deal with the situation.

Here's a guide on how to make a good report: https://perpheads.com/threads/how-to-make-a-successful-report.3875/

Kind regards, Draxen and the rest of the staff team.
It would be so much easier to edit the F6 to include this information instead of forcing everyone to look at the forums, most new players don't do this.

The past weeks, I've noticed a lot of "bad reports". Bad reports can be when the only message the reporter says is "failrp" and "3.4" for an example.
At 90% of the time, we have to reply with the same thing "Please elaborate". I mean come on, it's not hard to explain what happened. I understand that you can be frustrated when someone is breaking the rules and it's affecting you, but you will save so much time in putting some effort into the report.

Keep in mind that the better the report is made, the quicker and easier will it be for a staff member to deal with the situation.

Here's a guide on how to make a good report: https://perpheads.com/threads/how-to-make-a-successful-report.3875/

Kind regards, Draxen and the rest of the staff team.

What about this for the New Perp update: Custom template when u click the F6 menu, so u guys can get as detailed information and we can just answer the questions?
The questions are already gonna be shown in the F6 for players for example What happened:
synatec made the suggestion after this post was made, it was later accepted and implemented.