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Topic: Balconies

Short explanation (in notes):
-remove the invisible walls

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
So I based at regals and found out there is an invisible wall in front of balconies. I don't think that it should be there because it gives a lot of option to actually be successful. For example if you get raided and you live in 1 or 2 you can jump out and run. Another one is when you live in 4 and you jump down just one to raid 3, they will never see it coming and it should be possible. So i think the barriers are just blocking for nothing as they can be used very usefull.

Optional additions:
The only problem i see by removing 3,4 & 5 is people would just jump off for fun.
Otherwise, 1 & 2 should be just fine, if the balconies have invisible walls, why shouldn't regals stairs have it aswell?
In a sense I support you, but in another it'd cause for some unrealistic actions.

The reason why I support this is because the other day I was a cop and the entire building was on fire and I could not even attempt to escape the building through the balcony, which is kind off silly.

The reason why I do not support this is that people will throw stuff down, as seen before when a certain person decided to throw an entire living room down from apartment 5.

So I'm staying neutral for this suggestion.

For those of you saying that we should just punish the ones doing it, preventing it from happening it at all is overall better. There is a very good reason that we don't slap warnings on every sweatervest that runs across the highway.

This becomes a big problem however when experienced players start to abuse the freedom of the balconies, and most of them do not care about a simple warning but all hell will break loose when they get banned.
The system is there to prevent people from jumping off thus ending their life and breaking a couple rules. If that was their intentions they would have done so because you can and may jump within or without of the balcony at apartment one. I also don't see how it would be possible to jump down from the apartment four's balcony to another apartment as you can't do so because you would hit terminal velocity and cannot maneuver inside another balcony while falling.
I certainly support your suggestion for the obvious reasons you stated, and I can't see why someone wouldn't want this changed.

All of the criticisms of this idea seem to stem around hypothetical situations in which rules are broken by people by abusing this feature if it were introduced.
Here's the thing, there is a VERY simple solution to dealing with people abusing things that can be used in so many legitimate and important ways... Punish the person abusing it, not the whole community by depriving them of something with a lot of potential.
As mention by several other people before, removing the invis walls would perhaps just cause people to kill themselves for fun
The other problem I see is that the highest located apartments would just jump down balcony to balcony in some weird rambo spec-op wannabe maneuver and would just lead people to be frustated that suddenly there is a dude on the balcony raiding you. Or perhaps they miss the balcony and kill themselves that way
Removing these invisible walls would cause people to jump from the balconies. I have alredy seen a bunch of people jumping down the stairs from the 5th floor.

Also there are no invisible wall at appartment number 1.
I agree, although some people may jump off for a laugh, they would be breaking the rules by that, and there are plenty of RP reasons to be able to use those balconies to escape, or go from one apartment to another. I understand why they put them there, but it severely limits the possibility for escaping. I understand, they are balconies, not a fire escape, but IRL, it would be possible to climb down from one balcony to another relatively safely, and people can survive jumping from low-ish heights. The only aidsy think I could imagine people doing is jumping off a balcony to avoid police custody or getting robbed, which would be most obviously against the rules.

I do believe that the balcony 'wall' in apartment 2 should be removed, the others however, I'm not so sure of. Jumping from a balcony to the one under is something I would classify as a rule infridgement. You're basically risking your life, as you'll have to swing yourself or climb on poles. Please, show how you can do that without breaking 2.1. It would also make people most likely block off parts of their balconies to prevent that, which will just look bad. From what @Xquality said in the shoutbox, Stephen and Bolli both agreed on having the walls there. The only one I would see be removed, would be the one at apartment 2. This is due to the fact that it won't disencourage people from owning regals 1, as you can already enter that one from the ground, and it would be possible to jump off from the 2nd apartment's balcony in a realistic fashion. I can also see people jumping off balconies and using "I tried to get onto the one underneath" as an excuse.

I can't see any real reasons for someone to jump off the balconies from the higher up apartments. Even if you're in danger, it's most likely just as dangerous, if not more, to jump off it
Although it is there to prevent people from jumping, there is something called staff to deal with the people breaking 3.6.
It is not realistic from my perspective to have an invisible wall because of minges, just do an AR or /report.
All these points on suicide are honestly pointless. There are lots of places around the map people can jump off and kill themselves: the highway bridge, city hall etc. Why only prevent them from jumping off at regals? Instead of just completely preventing anything from being chucked off the balcony, just punish those who abuse it.

The reason these walls were added has nothing to do with people committing suicide, it had to do with the fact they would be used as an easy way to jump from one down to the next. Sure this doesn't apply to the lowest level, but we need these walls as to prevent people from simply jumping over it, going around the back and popping everyone from behind so it will be left for balancing reasons even if "unrealistic".
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