Ban Apology (@A1L)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @A1L
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 5 Days

Your Steam Name: Grophyanskiy_
Your Roleplay Name: Virginia Hill
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:240551246

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 3.6 - User had pulled a firearm under gun-point, resulting in his death. (That was an AR)

Why should this appeal be considered?: So,first of all i wanna say sorry to @greqh,for breaking 3.4 while he was gunpointing on me.

greqh,im very sorry for the thing i did,please excuse me,im very sorry if u died in that raid,please start a conversation in DM's and after unban i will give u money for my ump,which u should take if win the raid. But u failed it because i failed to comply under gunpoint. Im very sorry man,very sory i will not do that again,and thanks for doing AR,it was totally my fault.Im not mad on you at all.

I wanna say sorry tp @A1L to find the time,and check the AR,sorry for taking ur personal time,im very sorry for that thing. And i wanna say that u are my favorite admin tho,thanks for issuing the punishment and making it only 5 days,thank you so much sir!

i wanna say sorry to the to @3izu , @Oddy , @Exnem , @steelo for reviewing my stupid dispute,and taking again ur personal time.Im sorry for that dispute,i was mad because of that ban,sorry guys i didnt mean to take ur time for that dispute.

I want to say sorry to the whole PLPD who responded to my life alert,and risking their life to save me,i understand if i would comply under gunpoint PD never knows about that situation,and greqh will escape from that situation. I understand the rule i broke,and im very sorry for that.

I want to say sorry to my friend with who i was living in that apartament for putting his life in risk because i didnt comply under gunpoint,sorry mate,cant find ur forum account,if u are reading that im very sorry.

I want to return to perpheads,to enjoy my days with perpheads,i really like perpheads,its the last of the best servers on gmod,i cant find a server better than perpheads. Its very realistical RP,and all things are very realistical aswell. I like my org what i joined,i like doing raids with my friend @sasuke0115 and i like to craft and helping new players to teach them how to play,because i was new players like them,if i see that a new player needs help i will immediatly help him.

I undersand that there is only 1 day of my ban,yes im very sorry,but i really,really cant without perpheads,its my main game,and im ready to play it the whole my free time. Make money on that and buy my dream car,ferrari la ferrari

Sorry again for the staff who will review that for taking your personal time,whatever if it got rejected im still sorry. Im ready to give money as excuse to the greqh,because its totally my fault

Additional Information: Thanks for reading that,have a good perping day perpheads!
And u know some exams starts to me in few days and it will be hard,and i just wanna enjoy perpheads those days,cuz i really like it

You disputed it then apologised! So I say no for the time being, wait a bit before reappealing
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