Ban Apology (Admin meeting)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: SuBRy
Your Roleplay Name: Carl Watson
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:572479602

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 3.2, 3.4, 3.15, 3.20 - User constantly ran people over, massrdm, ramming cars and then ultimately tiered cars in the doors at bank. Disconnected unconscious. // Several ban evade attempts on his and his friends account RIP

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello, i make this appeal to apologise to all people concerned and i am gonna explain in this appeal why i was banned and why i want to get unbanned, so first for the massrdm i killed 1 guy because my friend my is in danger but another guy was there unfortunately so he got killed too, he even made a report and i explained to Ellie and she said ok next time, be safe, so I just was continuing my roleplay when me and my friend and a random guy had the stupid idea to go in bank with cars not to harm people but for our own fun and yes I know it was a very stupid idea because the doors shut on me and my vehicle exploded just killing 1 of my friends, for the metagame me and my friend are always in vocal screen sharing but not in reason to get information to help or do anything that could help us in rp we just wanted to talk chil and mute whenever we got into a roleplay situation and it says in the rule that it's forbidden if u use it for the information in the game and that's what we didn't do we just were talking fun and like I said mute when there was a roleplay situation, for the alt account i really wanted to play on the server so yes i am honest i tried it and i really apologize and am sorry about this incident also for the disconnection i alt f4 bcs of stressing then came back to explain the moderator, but when i was in the game i got banned..... all of that just to say that I know we did stupid things like drive to the bank for no real reason or try to evade the ban but i will ask you one thing can u please give us a second chance me and my friends we were never banned, and we never troll or do shit on other servers and also on yours because now we really realize that the server was really really fun and that we need 1 week to ban for entering in the bank and for the other stuff, but permanent.... i just can't describe how sad and dumb I feel because of this error i did, so like i said could u give us an last chance to play on your servers because we really regret doing the things we did and we really apologize for all people or moderators we harmed, even though it wasn't in our intention to explode the vehicle and do any bad things, and i swear it won't happen again and we sincerely apologize. Thank you for reading, have a nice day.
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Next time just make the ban apology rather than trying to ban evade twice first.
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