Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: (head, eyes)
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Maszpecha
Your Roleplay Name: Szary Dope
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:590958459

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: CWB,Toxicity,acting childish

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hi, Again its me i came here once again to make a serious apologize for my childish behaviour that i shown in recent time.
im sorry for all things i did including Dox threats, Anoyinng Dom_, saying VERY mean things to Dom_, and making a drama on discord channel :(

i did half of these things during a anger state i wasnt thinking clearly and i didnt knew what consequences could be.
If i were patient for some time i would escape a long time of sorrow.

after some rest i realised how badly i messed up, i loved playing on perpheads and i got banned,
i feel like a kid who got his candy taken away, and dont get me wrong if im bit to selfish in this apology, but you need to understand that i fell in love in that server.

So today I'm begging you all for one last chance like every human being deserves whether they're good or bad, because I'm human after all and I make mistakes but i find courage to admit to them.

Peace and have a good one.

Additional Information: Honestly i am kind of person who isnt best in social and also l don't speak english fluently so dont mind if my apology isnt very rich in big words, but i try my best :l
its my last apology.
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