Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Sidd
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: Gucci Kid Official
Your Roleplay Name: Roger Dolan
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42397248

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.6, 2.5, 3.4 - User attempted to kill someone in front of a cop with a their vehicle because they were "stood on their 4 million dollar car". When questioned about it he lied about the situation attempting to say he was "parking his car better". // Extended for 1.1 in shoutbox, very salty actually

Why should this appeal be considered?: I would just like to start by saying I am sorry to all the perpheads staff members who I have insulted with my comments in the shoutbox. It was toxic and highly inappropriate for me to act like that which I deeply regret everyday. I am now aware that anything I say outside of the server gameplay can result in a ban extension and also can receive a perm ban which I am grateful was reduced. I am not here to start trouble, I play to only have fun and to serious role play. This is my 3rd ban which is the most serious out of all my other ones and I made a fool of myself by calling other people names which did nothing but hurt everybody. I broke character, I was not in the right ministate and I shamefully took my anger out on other person that being Sidd who was just doing his job as an admin. Yes I was upset with him but that does not mean I should call him names or any other person on perpheads or ever anywhere just because I am upset. I played everyday since the beginning of 2023 and did my best to follow all the server rules (Only 2 bans which were minor and I learned from and several warnings which I also did not repeat). I am not mad or upset with anybody, I am just shameful that that server that made me happy and where I can meet very nice people has been removed from me because of my attitude. These few weeks away gave me time to think and reflect that not only my actions can cause harm but my words as well. I am grateful for all the fun perpheads has brought to me. I do not wish to cause trouble, annoy admins or do anything remotely negative that will land me in the same place again. I am sorry again for being an annoyance that one night or any other times I have caused trouble, I am not that kind of person as I just want to have fun and roleplay. Thank you
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United Kingdom

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