Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ayjay
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: lou
Your Roleplay Name: Unknown
Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:2201149

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Cheating

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello, I was banned over 4/5 years ago when I was around 14 for cheating, a lot over the years have changed as now I am 19 years old. I probably have less than 10 minutes on the server until I was banned for cheating but over the past 5 years I stopped playing Gmod and have mostly played a lot of Five M and was heavily into serious RP. I also over the years have played a lot of competitive games such as Apex and CS with over 5k hours and would never even think about cheating again. Not much else I can say as I really only had 10 minutes played total until I was banned, not even sure why I would even cheat besides me being just a dumb kid. If there is anyway you guys can look past the very stupid mistake I made years ago I would love to try and RP and make friends on this amazing server you guys have as I've recently saw the awesome stuff and community it has. I know this really doesn't help my case but about 3 days ago after watching some videos on the server I tried joining and was very confused on why I was banned as it has been such a long time so I joined on a couple of alt accounts that were immediately console banned but then checked the bans and realized why so I decided to make an apology on the forums. I really do think I can bring a lot to the server as an RPer with all the time I've played in other serious RP communities over the years. Thank you if you need me to verify anything will be happy to do so.
Reaction score
United Kingdom

There was a pretty good chance this would have been accepted if you didn't attempt to evade before appealing :(
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