Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Exnem
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: qc
Your Roleplay Name: no idea
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79218086

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Clearly hasn't changed since his previous bans, still toxic and problematic.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Hello.

I am appealing my ban now as I think I have given myself considerable time where I have been able to develop adequate abilities to conduct myself respectfully and capably within the grounds expected within this community. While I do not necessarily agree with my previous ban, I am reflected enough to realize that I have not shown respectable conduct expected within this community in the past. For this, I apologize. I realize that I have conducted myself in a manner that has caused a lot of hatred for me from the long-term players of this community and also affected players of the gamemode in the past.

I have had 3 bans that are relevant to this appeal that I think are appropriate to go over in some detail. My initial permanent ban was in 2019, almost 5 years ago. Since then I had a brief unban in 2021 & 2022 by Fredy and Collier respectively. Both of them were ultimately overturned by the rest of the staff team within a very brief interval. In my opinion, the most relevant ban regarding my conduct is my initial ban in 2019. Now, I want to apologize and specify that I do not necessarily remember very well why my bans were overturned in 2021 and 2022. However, I do not recall necessarily behaving in such a manner that would not be acceptable within the community. If I did, which I may have, then I apologize for this. My recollection of these events was that it was generally accepted that I should not have been unbanned in the first place.

This brings me to the ban which I will discuss which seems the most relevant to me: my initial ban in 2019. Since I had basically zero playtime after my first two unbans, most people who know who I am will remember me from who I was during the time leading up to my first ban in 2019. I was an annoying child who cheated on the server out of self-interest. After I was banned I used multiple accounts because I did not want to face the actions of my consequences. I apologize for my lack of empathy towards others at this point by cheating to reach an unfair advantage, and by using multiple accounts to avoid my punishment. Other than this, I also contacted staff members through Steam and Teamspeak and wasted their time by for example pretending to need staff duties fulfilled. To be blunt, I was a stupid immature child at this point and I did not have a very developed idea of self-reflection or maturity. I apologize for my previous actions of wasting staff member's time and behaving in a disorderly manner.

So why should you believe me? I think you should believe me on the basis that actions speak louder than words. I have withheld myself from my previous actions as to why I was removed from this community like bothering people, cheating, and trying to evade my ban. Since my ban, I have recently entered adulthood, become a lot more developed in terms of maturity and ethics, and started studying at university. I have purposefully waited a while to make this appeal to be sure that I am capable of playing within the community with the conduct expected.
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