Ban Apology (Aqua)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Aqua
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day

Your Steam Name: tyla0151
Your Roleplay Name: Jay Morris
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:593328437

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Multiple violations (simple OOC mistakes like slight meta gaming)

Why should this appeal be considered?: I own up to that I'm not being the best player ever I am really sorry but I can't help being stressed and angry when I get a blacklist for doing one thing slightly wrong without warning I feel like there's a vendetta towards me and it is not both ways honestly I have nothing wrong with you man I did not mean that ego comment or whatever I said I just want to play the server in peace but I can't say anything without getting blacklists its uncalled for a verbal is really enough and I am nearly in tears because I can't play anymore its not even that I'm affecting the players I'm just saying stuff In chat like "police get me out of cells ive been waiting 20 mins" and get a blacklist so I'm sure you can see why I feel this way and I acknowledge I am wrong I want another chance I feel remorse but I can't help it i think there is something wrong with me and I get so stressed after being blacklisted for little to no reason this genuinely is the best server you can see ive done nothing wrong its all chat based stuff because I say the most simple things that don't harm anyone and get punished :( I'm passionate about garry's mod darkRP and want another chance. I don't see how the ban was necessary. I keep "breaking the code of conduct" but i can't help it when i say the most simplistic thing thats slightly in game. Despite my efforts to remain within the code of conduct, I remain unable to resist the urge to say the simplest of things that only slightly relate to the game. Therefore, I do believe that the ban was justified and but my efforts to remain within the code of conduct is bad I just can't get a verbal for one little thing that's in game you understand that right? I hope you do take this as a proper apology.
Reaction score

Absolutely not, you made horrendous comments over discord and your apology has seemingly overlooked that fact. It is laughable that you think what you said is a simple thing and means no harm. In case you haven’t noticed, your ban has been extended to 3 weeks after the comment you made on discord.

If you are genuinely in tears over this ban, maybe its time to take up another hobby in the meantime.
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