Ban Apology (Aquaa)

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Reaction score
Kelson's basement
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?:@Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 6 Months

Your Steam Name: Tinky
Your Roleplay Name: Miguelangel Felixgalardo
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:631559408

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Encouraging and supporting a new players Mass RDM.

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was playing on the server and came across a new player Rodrigo Guy and I wanted to help him since It was his first time on the server. I was guiding a new player. Turned out he wanted to get revenge on some people. So I said why not. He knocked unconcious 2 people for no reason and because I was his getaway driver and his accomplice that's why I'm here today apologizing for my dumb actions. I'm spending all my free time having fun on this server. I know what I did wasn't the smartest In fact It wasn't smart at all. I will take responsibility for my actions but I still think that 6 months is too long for this kind of punishment since It was the first case of this rule breaking in my time on the server. I want to say that I have no way to control the action's of other player's. This was the first time I had done anything like this. Can safely say It's going to be the last one aswell. I would like you to at least think about lowering my ban time. I never wanted to get anyone banned or break rules In any way. It seems that I didn't learned anything and need to pay for the things that I did. Once again Im deeply sorry for breaking the server rules I can asure you It won't happen ever again and I would really like If you can at least consider lowering my ban time.

Thanks In advance.


Additional Information: Also I don't understand why UNKNOWN_SOLID_SNAKE which he was banned today for killing 2 people and not here to play properly only got 1 week while Rodrigo Guy killed 2 aswell and got 6 months like me.
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I will decrease your ban to three months. In retrospect, perhaps 6 months was too harsh.


I want to say that I have no way to control the action's of other player's.
You actively enabled him to kill them and supported him in doing so, so do not act like it was something out of your control when you were essentially orchestrating the situations.

Also I don't understand why UNKNOWN_SOLID_SNAKE which he was banned today for killing 2 people and not here to play properly only got 1 week while Rodrigo Guy killed 2 aswell and got 6 months like me.

It is typically moot to compare punishments for the same rules across different players because of several factors and guaranteed differences in situations. The player you were with was evidently set on going around and killing as many people as possible, and you both surely would have if I hadn't stepped in. You should know better considering your playtime and this is not how you help a new player. You quite literally picked out targets for him, telling him to kill them, and then drove him around looking for more targets.

Because of all this, I am not inclined to give you ANY more leniency than I already have, and I would not be surprised if a higher-ranked staff member overturned this and put your ban back to its original time.

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