Ban Apology (Aquaa)

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scambans, banned.
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks

Your Steam Name: pro_leqq
Your Roleplay Name: jamie ...
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:550769627

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 3.24 - While being mugged, user started debating the legitimacy of the mug as it pertains to the mugging map and failed to drop his items. After debating and questioning said legitimacy, he decided to pick his gun up off of the ground which resulted in his death.

Why should this appeal be considered?: i really learned my lesson here,

overall was i overreacting and being very disrespectfull to some admins, what i vallidate. i wasn't really thinking straight about most facts that was said in almost all my forums. i read what you said about the mugging area but i reacted without caring to much. i said in the staff complaint that you was the person not caring but at the end of the day it was getting very clear who really wasn't caring. At first i didn't understand quitte well what i did wrong but i looked back to the forum and all my comments and saw what i did wrong, talking disrespectfull and even being toxic by using emoji's.

thats why i want to apologise to all the people that i have spoken with in a bad attitude, And af course especially Aquaa.

the f6,
at the end of the f6 i tought you where a really negative person. But really, you were just trying to do your job. later on i started to talk with you in the discord and we where talking like there wasn't even a problem. i asked for a last chance to get a week off my ban time and you accepted it in no-time. very kind.

Additional Information: i'm sorry for the way we met. but i hope you forgive me with this apology.
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Please make sure you come back with a better attitude and make sure you are respectful in the future. Also, be careful not to break 3.4 again because your record is stacking up with it and it will likely be a ban again.
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