Ban Apology (Aquaa)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks

Your Steam Name: pro_leqq
Your Roleplay Name: jamie ...
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:550769627

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 3.24 - While being mugged, user started debating the legitimacy of the mug as it pertains to the mugging map and failed to drop his items. After debating and questioning said legitimacy, he decided to pick his gun up off of the ground which resulted in his death.

Why should this appeal be considered?: its unfair because:

-he gave me a 3 week ban instead of the agreed 2 week.

-in the f6 he asked for a clip while it wasn't even necessary. he could have just checked logs and see the place where i died and see perfectly fine where i got killed.
(as i see it: you lured me by asking for a clip which gave you even more reason to get me banned. while you actually had to warn the robbers. you picked a side as a admin in our f6 confersation. and you weren't focusing at the mug where i made the f6 for, but just for what i did wrong in the clip.)

-and again, when i got mugged the robbers had no certainty whether they were really allowed to rob me at all.

and to remember you,
they haven't even been warned yet. while they made this whole situation that got me in trouble.

-i picked up the gun because i toughed we had come to a agreement that the robbers where wrong. as he's friend showed clearly that they where out of the mugging zone. (we where talking out of character aswell so thats another reason i toughed i could grab the weapon and let them slip for what they did.) if i was in a mugging zone, i would not pick up the weapon.

-they started talking out of character about the mugging map, that cought me in so i had to discuss it with them. it went perfectly fine, but unfortunate it was ''out of character''. we had to... either way we wouldn't been able to solve the problem.

Additional Information: if you replie. please don't start with answering the ''Why were you banned/blacklisted?''. but answer with reading my ''Why should this appeal be considered?''. the messages from yall where like yall didn't care about what i had to say lol.

You set this as an apology to me but I do not see the word sorry anywhere in this appeal, because you're still disputing the legitimacy of the ban. If you still have an issue with the length and legitimacy you need to make a staff complaint. You can not continue to attempt to dispute it once it's already been decided.
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