Ban Apology (Aquaa)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Aquaa
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Months

Your Steam Name: cspluva09
Your Roleplay Name: Mick Sanders
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:92618681

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Metagaming via discord

Why should this appeal be considered?: It would seem I've been banned for metagaming via discord. I'm certainly in a discord with my organization members that much is true. But I don't believe I've ever metagamed, certainly not intentionally. A 3 month ban makes me think these guys think we're in discord voice calls just talking to eachother 24/7. Thats definitely not the case. I'm most concerned because it looks like a member, In-game name Jerald, was banned for 6 months and sent a screenshot of him certainly metagaming to the fullest extent. I recall this text and replying to it, not saying that I was going to help him or anything and I certainly didnt help him in that situation, but I'm concerned I simply got banned for reacting to such a message. The bottom line is I certainly don't metagame via discord, and if I ever have unknowingly or mistakenly, I think a 3 month ban is way extreme. I'm asking for a complete appeal or a reduction to less than a week, otherwise I just have no reason to come back here. This is really something else. I've spent money here and have shown many times that I clearly intend to play by the rules and not harm the servers rules or playerbase
Reaction score

There is screenshots of you informing your org members that you are being mugged in projext amongst other things - Maybe that'll run your memory. You can make a dispute but just like your friend, we've been supplied with indisputable evidence.
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