Ban Apology @Bolli

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Apology
Which staff member banned you: Bolli
How long were you banned for: Perm

Your Steam Name
: Yaboi Spooky
Your In-game Name: Sarina Jaeger(I think)
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76066756

Why were you banned/blacklisted: Cheating
Why should this appeal be considered: First off i would like to apologize. I cheated and obviously i shouldn't have done that. At first i guess i thought it was not that big of a deal, but soon enough after my ban i started missing playing on the server. I don't think the ban is wrong at all, i was cheating and i got banned for it. Simple as that. Missing perp has helped me realise that it was stupid of me to do so though. I regret every bit of it now, and i really hope i didn't ruin anyone's exprience.

I would like to say i did mentally grow a bit. I really won't even consider cheating again. It's not fun, for me or the other players. If it helps, i haven't cheated on any other servers or games either since my ban. It isn't interesting and defeats the purpose of challenge in a game. Perp was really the only server i play on, i was really getting into it. Being a no-life player and getting hundreds of hours in the server. I remember getting into trouble with my parents a few times because i was still playing at 4am.

I really wasn't a toxic player, i tried to be rather helpful and otherwise i'dd just keep to myself or take a break. I have trouble writing this apology though because honestly i just am in the wrong. Yet i would like to play again... sooo.... please atleast consider it?

Additional Comment(s): I'm actually sorry i really hope i can get unbanned.

Yaboi Spooky helped me out alot when I was a sweater, never seen him do anything malicious or with any malicious intent. He is a geniunely nice guy who has told me he regrets his actions multiple times
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