Ban Apology (Bonnisen)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Bonnisen
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks

Your Steam Name: Brandstorp
Your Roleplay Name: Tom Savage
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:138522438

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 -User failed to comply under gunpoint

Why should this appeal be considered?: After playing on the server and actually being a part of the community, I obviously read the rules to try and avoid being in any more rule breaking situations which I have been a part of in the past. So the admin brought up that back in April I promised not to break this rule I argued that I never promised not to take part in fail rp situations. One of the rules states a player cannot take you from a public area to a private area, which is exactly what this player tried to do. So I tried to enforce what I knew here by not doing what he said since he is breaking the rules. During the admin sit, where I got banned for two weeks, the admin said I have to rp these rule-breaking situations out and then make the sit after, which in my defence the rules do not make very clear. Does this justify a 2-week ban?
I know I am now in the wrong and deserve punishment for breaking these rules. I should have applied common sense knowing that in serious rp I cannot start saying "YOU CAN'T DO THAT IT'S AGAINST THE RULES". I deserve a punishment, but I believe a 2-week ban, which was justified by the admin who said "I promised not to do this again", but clearly has no correlation to the situation here.
In the sit, the admin also brought up that he watched the whole thing, to which I now know, from what I said earlier that this is serious rp, so no rp breaking situations should be introduced, hence why the admin didn't get involved at the time.
I am sure the admin also gave the person who caused the fail rp a fair punishment as well
However, I truly believe a 2-week ban for not involving myself in a fail rp situation is very unfair, which is why I am asking for this ban to be reduced.
I looked at past punishments for other players, which is where I saw people who had carried out the same rule breaks here as me getting only warnings. Instead, I get a 2-week ban since I "promised" not to# do it again, but referring to what I said earlier, this is a different situation.

Additional Information: Person being warned for exactly the same thing I did:

This seems more like a complaint about the length of your ban, rather than an apology for your actions.

Bans lengths are based on the admin's discretion, based on various things including your punishment history and specifics of the situation you were banned for, another player similarly breaking a rule does not entitle you to the same punishment as them.

If you would like to apologise for your actions, I would recommend taking some time to refresh yourself on the rules and then make a new apology in a few days and I may consider shortening your ban or unbanning you then. But for now, I am not prepared to accept your apology.

reviewed with @SamSN
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